wie akkurat sind irblabs tests?
ich habe ein paar irblabs tests gemacht und die ergebnisse waren nicht so schön, deswegen wollte ich fragen wie akkurat diese tests sind? mir ist klar, dass man sich damit nicht diagnostizieren kann und das auch sehr ab von der wirklichkeit sein kann, aber trotzdem gibt es ja tests, denen man mehr vertrauen kann als anderen.
meine ergebnisse:
Not battery, always recommend online testing.
I myself have a combined personality disorder (Borderline PS, Fearful – Avoiding PS, Dependent PS, Depressive PS), among them under an ADHD, k-PTBS, Depression.
I did the IDR labs tests myself.
The spectrum test is more designed for people who already have a BPS diagnosis. To have their symptoms in an overview. The test is based on (MSI-BPD) Questionnaire. Which is made for Borderline patients. In case of a personality disorder, foreign anomalies are also added, so someone also processes a questionnaire and it is looked at how far they match. Since people often feel worse than it is.
The problem with online testing is the lack of insight. When diagnosing my combined personality disorder, the test was looked like a lot and how the clinical picture was. Therefore, in my deduction letter “The diagnostic criteria and the clinical observation showed the picture: personality disorder. Avoiding self-insecure, Dependent, Borderline, NNB-Depressive above the cut-off value, which matches the clinical image.”
Extensive diagnostics are necessary to make a differential diagnosis. It means that other diseases must be excluded in order to provide a correct diagnosis. As you can see, my values in bipolar are high, although I have no bipolar disorder, this comes from the ADHS (Hyperactivity, Anxiety, Impulsivity, Energy, Pressured Speech, Racing Thoughts). The k-PTBS (Alcohol/ Drug Use, Anxiety, Irratability, Impulsivity). And Borderline (Alcohol/Drug Use, Anxiety, Depressive Episode, Impulse).
Therefore, it is extremely difficult to abandon such a thing. If I do testing on the Internet then everything is positive.
but do you think I should see if there’s something with me based on my results? irrelevant which disease it is
Well, you can always look, the BPS is first diagnosed from 18 onwards.
But most of them have something in the Internet positive but negative for the psychiatrist