How to celebrate your 20th birthday?

Hi, I would like to do something nice for my birthday but I don't have a good relationship with my family, I only have two friends, I don't like going out partying and I don't have much money.

I last celebrated my birthday eight years ago. And in the years since, it's always been a very unpleasant day for me.

But this year I want to have a nice day without drama.

What could I do?

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10 months ago

If your friends are allowed to go home and you want to do this despite your family circumstances, you might just make a relaxed movie evening, what delicious food (if you have the chance of being a cool idea), play games, crochet and maybe stay overnight. So just a chilly thing you want. Otherwise, if you prefer to do something outside or during the day, you could paint zb ceramics, picnic, go to the cinema or what to eat.

I hope this year your birthday will be great 🙂

10 months ago

Go to eat with your two friends or invite them to your home and cook what and play games together. A bit of white wine and it can become a perfect day:))