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1 year ago

Just as you can be addicted to other drugs such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, gambling or other games or phone.
Where gambling is more psychic, painkilling, mostly due to opioids (Heroin, Codein, Oxycontin, Oxycodon, Fentanyl), however, is predominantly physical.

In general, you can become addicted to everything that somehow triggers feelings of happiness. Even sex or help others can count.

The body becomes accustomed to the feelings of happiness and wants to have them again and again, through a reconciliation often more and more. He can even trick the conscious understanding. e.g. by imitating the feeling of the vibrational arm of the cell phone, so that you can grasp it and deal with it…

In painkillers, this is another thing, because the physical dependencies are. One gets used to a conscience by an injury and a prescription and this leads quickly to dependence.

Then you need the painkiller to live generally pain-free, because the body otherwise provides pain with cramps itself to move the consciousness back to take what… If you do that, the body will be rewarded for the cramps and it will always do it…

Psychic dependence can be overcome with distraction and willpower. A physical dependence as it occurs in many opioids is a completely different house number and the withdrawal can mean life-threatening stress for the body…

1 year ago
Reply to  Sasafre

… because the body otherwise provides pain with cramps…

Cranks? What do you think? Never heard… never before.

1 year ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

opioid pull

In the case of an opioid pull, it comes to withdrawal phenomena such as restlessness, running nose, tear flow, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle spasms, goose skin, teeth and heartaches.

1 year ago

You forgot the QUELLE.

1 year ago

What do you understand under strong…?

If you take 20 ibos, you just have to puke. Tramadol or morphine cause meernisms in the brain that trigger the same as tilt or alcohol reward. You build a resistance to want more… can go well for years but then iwann no longer..

1 year ago

That’s it, and that can go faster than you can watch.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dergatsche

What about?