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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Only a small part of the active substance is eliminated by the welding. Probably too little to get your dog dangerous.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the use of MDMA can be found here:

And please think about drug checking. For drugs from the black market, you never know exactly what you take or how much you take.

5 months ago

Do not caress the cat! Do not caress the dog! Uralt consumer wisdom 😜 ☝🏼 And also let the fingers of all the other house or drizzle, if you are on MDMA or otherwise on it! Likewise, they should not pick up your sweat, in which also (although only small, but just yet) components are included from what you have taken, which you are then put through them. The more sweat you separate on a drug, just over your hands, the greater the risk of transferring something from their ingredients to your animal.

This is certainly not nice or pleasant for the animal, if there is a sudden tendency to import and can also be health-friendly. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same for you, and your animal doesn’t fall dead post-turningly, and it won’t damage it, but unfortunately it can’t report on how it happened to him…

So note: finger away from the animals – danger detected, danger banished, safety first & safer use.

