Why can Paypal offer its services free of charge?
Haven’t seen any advertising on the site either…
Hope for a quick answer 🙂
Best regards
Haven’t seen any advertising on the site either…
Hope for a quick answer 🙂
Best regards
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http://www. crew-paypal.com/international_pages/deutschland.html#24
Is only free for you if you buy and transfer the money not immediately forward but only after 2-3 days, as long as you can work with your money, so lend and cash interest, with some million users earning the very nice
quatsch- as a salesman are also immediately charged sales fees – not only zinsen. the rest goes through advertising!
I have seen this as a buyer, as a seller I would not use PP anyway
Don’t do it.
Paypal requires 1.9% of the amount + 0.35 euros from each cash receipt.
yes, but this is put into account the seller – the most important point
I wrote:
So from the seller, because he gets the money.
that does paypal only at buyers. all sellers pay a provision and also the buyers will be overshadowed with advertising- simple principle.
that’s not like that. as seller you pay a provision
This is absolutely not free!!!!!!! Sellers taking money must pay commissions. Only for the payer it is free.
Yes I wanted to use this as a buyer;)
But now I know, thank you.