Whisky aus UK importieren per Post?

Hallo ich bin grade am überlegen Whisky aus UK zu importieren steige aber durch die gebühren noch nicht so ganz durch.

Sofern ich das richtig verstanden habe, muss der Verkäufer die UK VAT abziehen, dafür muss ich dann in Deutschland die VAT zahlen. Dazu kommen noch etwa 7€ pro liter alkohol.

Ab 150€ fallen dann noch andere Gebühren an was sind das für welche und wie hoch?

Als beispiel wenn ich für 300€ 3,5l Whisky mit 50% Alkoholgehalt importieren möchte, was kommt da an gebühren auf mich zu?

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3 months ago

…the seller must withdraw the UK VAT…

He doesn’t have to, he can. This is not a duty, rather a service. An export specialist provider will probably do that.

I recommend you to see if the product is available at Amazon.

https://www.zoll.de/DE/Privatpersons/Post-Submissions/Sendungen-aus-einem-Non-EU-State/Customs and Taxes/Internet Orders/internet Orders_node.html

3 months ago
Reply to  Kaen011

I meant maybe. Amazon.co.uk – they have experience and withdraw VAT. eBay too.
It’s really not a duty and some just think it’s an effort. In DE, many also refuse when it goes for example to CH.
Import costs are presumably: customs + alcotax + (food) VAT

3 months ago

I then have to pay VAT in Germany.

Jain. These are not VAT but import turnover taxes (EUSt). In the end, however, do not make any difference because they are equal.

From 150€ there are other fees, what are these and how high?

Customs fees, usually depending on the purchase value (shipment incl.), in particular in this case the delivery value is flat-rate to the liter. You have already mentioned the value (almost correct):

There are about 7€ per liter of alcohol.

Actually, it’s 6,80€.

Means for you:

(Value + Shipping + Inch) x EUSt = Total cost

The customs fees and EUSt will be taken over by this company when the customs office is handed over to the intra-German shipping company (usually DHL). They will charge you with a fee of 6€. At DHL, you need to pass the amount upon receipt of the package in bar and pass to the supplier. Otherwise, the package ends at one of the branches where you can pick it up for payment of the invoice amount.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kaen011

Right, also shipping and customs are taxed. They’re in Germany. :

Together, the currency difference, customs and taxes in your case should be about 40% of the price paid in British pounds. So if you’ve paid £250, that’s about €350 in the end.

3 months ago

I have calculated the currency difference, that is not a “impact” but just another currency

My statement with the hit was purely about the numerical value. This should simply be a simple to understand and apply factor, with which one can roughly exceed the costs to be expected.

Is the tax of 6€ per liter of pure alcohol or per bottle of spiritousen?

Neither. The tax rate refers to the total content of spirits in liters.

So are (300€ + 3.5*6,80 + 12€)*19% import tax?

Were my previous statements so misunderstandable or do you doubt your ability to insert numbers into a computer formula?

Yes, for five bottles of whisky with each 0.7L content, this invoice is correct.