which penalty to choose?
assuming you have done something wrong and your parents let you choose the punishment, what would you choose as a teenager and why? and please write how old you are and whether you are a boy or a girl
assuming you have done something wrong and your parents let you choose the punishment, what would you choose as a teenager and why? and please write how old you are and whether you are a boy or a girl
Hey, Ich wollte Nachfragen ob diese Emilia Wirklich umgebracht wurde und was ihr darüber sagt. .Ich habe nämlich vor ein paar Tagen erfahren, dass sie von ihre besten Freundinnen auf dem Weg zu einer Pyjamaparty umgebracht wurde und das die das gefilmt haben. Stimmt das? Und was wisst ihr darüber? ich weiß, ich komme ein…
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Zu meiner Situation: Ich lebe seit vier Jahren in einer Patchwork-Ehe, habe ein Kind mit in die Beziehung gebracht. Nun haben wir seit zwei Jahren ein gemeinsames Kind. Mein Partner und ich haben beide unsere Wurzeln in der Türkei. Seine Eltern waren mit uns nie einverstanden, weil ich bereits geschieden bin und ein Kind habe….
Hallo, ich korrigiere gerade den Nachricht von mein Onkel an eine Wohnung in EBay. Er hat’s noch nicht geschickt. er hat 6 Kinder. Davon sind die drei älteren im Alter von (19,20,18) und die drei jüngeren im Alter von (14,12,9). So er hat einfach nur geschrieben das er 6 Kinder hat. Und das hört sich…
Welche gängigen Erziehungsmethoden fallen euch ein, die viele ausführen, welche aber in den meisten Fällen negative Konsequenzen fürs Kind haben? Mir fällt jetzt sowas ein wie Schnuller. Sie haben zwar ihre Funktionalität und scheinen auch bei vielen Kindern zu funktionieren, haben aber (soweit ich weiß) einen schlechten Einfluss auf die Zahnbildung. Auch Tv und Handy/Tablet…
So I could do anything, and house arrest wouldn’t matter to me. I don’t care how long I’m usually at home. It’s a bit boring what I don’t care about, because I do the house, and if I’m bored, I don’t care about it. You could give me a house arrest for months and I wouldn’t mind. My parents never punished me, never had a house arrest, and they didn’t beat me either. I have had a great childhood and I am really proud that I was well educated without punishment and without violence
I don’t think house arrest is so bad because time passes relatively fast and Po is full of a mistreatment for me. Since I have been punished in the past and not in the present, I can’t say much about it, but since I’m usually only home and was in quarantine for 4 weeks, I can’t say house arrest is bad
I don’t know, it’s hard with me. I’ve done a lot of shit before, but I’ve never really been punished. But if I could choose something myself, it wouldn’t be on the final trip. I don’t care. Without a phone, I’d die and house arrest doesn’t bring anything, most of them smuggle out! Po is full of shit, too, because it’s always blows.
Ps: I am 17 🙂
but po full would be by the fastest or – but don’t know if too embarrassing? unfinished business
I (Mädchen, 16) would choose this because I think that I get very clear 1 week without phone (handy) and it might be helpful for the parents if the child helps in the household!!
It is possible to gain experiences as it is when you study and live in your own apartment where you have to throw the household and learn for the work, without distraction by the sounding cell phone;)
yes is probably right, but everyone would keep
My parents are so determined that punishments like house arrest are completely unnecessary. My parents are very strict, but also just. Punishments are unnecessary at our home, as a stand-up, one’s own bad conscience and the expulsion are completely enough to no longer be “returnable”;)
I myself will handle this with my children later, because it works very well.
A very fantastic answer, TalithaAnn!
You and your good parents a very big congratulations! Only so can it go, punishments are not education – and young people are intelligent and social beings that need no pressure and no intimidation to “work”! A reasonable development support, a good, trusting conversation offer at eye level and in the right relationship consistency and understanding – this is the recipe.
House arrests are the greatest weak mind all day in the nude and bored.
and not out and the fresh air and move.
you could say what you did for the better
Male, 18.
You can get out of school, then you can meet school friends and call through the internet at any time. House arrest is nowadays only a predominant part of a penalty (bsp: house arrest without handy, pc and console, television only until 20 o’clock), alone it is a minimal restriction.
Mobile phone ban is a stupid thing. Then you’ve got an accident and no handy. So if you fail where there are no or few people, you have to wait for help.
in the house?
It’s called a house arrest for two weeks. So all day can hang on the pc, tv or cell phone (etc)…and when you go to school you’re out so that I’m going to shop after school and so…when you come home 10-15 min later nobody notices. Female 15
but that gets everyone with when the other appointments for lunch -is also embarrassing – po full would be by the fastest and wouldn’t get any with you but is also embarrassing in front of parents but they know a anyway or
Male, 16 years. How good my parents don’t think about all these methods 😀
nix! Penalties are not very advanced! (w)
I use my phone as well as never!!! Pc, TV, Wii, Gameboy or Ipod ban would be bad!!!
Girl, 13
Go the fastest
Female, 17 🙂
It’s nothing, house arrest is 10 times worse.
Would choose the povoll that goes past faster than house arrest or other punishments
Po full. Go fast, harden.
What would I have liked the final ride?
Otherwise it would be hard to say
I am a girl
I would take that right now as I stand on pain xDD and like to be taken hard xD
but hm, isn’t that embarrassing before the parents?
This goes the quickest and does away, but it goes past the process is howvolgt you go with vater/mother into your room pull the HOSE down and put over your knees then the Po will be burned down properly when it’s finished you thank you and put yourself in the corner for 10 min. that goes faster than 1 week home arrest
I always had to push my rock up.my vater then pulled my panties and slip down,and hit me with the flat hand on my naked po.