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You should speak English perfectly, as pilots usually communicate in English.
So to contradict most of my previous speakers: you don’t have to be able to get PERFEKT English. I myself am a private pilot and speak very fluent English. However, there are very many private pilots and also professional pilots (I know a transatlantics Lufthansa pilots and several professional pilots flying the turbomachines and smaller jets) who have a decent English, i.e. can talk normally, make mistakes, sometimes do not understand things, but (and this is important) can communicate!
Only in the case of flight-related subject words you have to know! The private pilot certificate can only be made in German, 2 people who made the PPL with me can almost no English!
So if you can build half-way good school skills (min. real school), the dream of the pilot will not really fail in English!
Here is a link with important vocabulary:
So the pilot is also aware that you can speak English fluently.
I hope I could help you;D
pilots are not only limited to worte. you should (at least almost) be able to get in perfect English, as pilots actually only communicate in English. English is THE language that should be mastered if you do not want to be a pilot.
There are specialist Alexics (Aeronautical English). You can get that. A list of the most important technical expressions would blow up every frame.
One should be powerful to English in word and writing to become a pilot.
You should also be able to use the International Letter Plate.
you should be able to get a little bit close and not just 100 words!
On the Lufthansa website you can make such a recruitment test for free. This will also be shown to ask some English tests.
Buy a dictionary, start with A and if you can all words by Z, you will get a list of us with the 1000 missing keywords that you need to be able to add.
a list is not available.
you must be perfect English
As a pilot, you need to be able to speak English fluently and not just get a few words.
what are the most important words???
You have to be able to English perfectly.
PS: I also want to become a pilot