“When I find your present,you’re gonna love it” Ist sich die Person sicherer als bei “if”?
Kontext: Person verlegte das Geschenk. Es geht konkret um Earl und Opal,ein Cartoon-Ehepaar. Opal kann das Geschenk für Earl nicht mehr finden. Zuvor hatte sie es an einem sicheren Platz versteckt. Danke.
Both are in the case.
I’d rather say if I could find…
Isn’t she safer at “when”? HNY
I would also prefer your formulation.
Yeah, kind of “safer.” Or “resolute.”
No again you wrote safer and more responsive or safer came from me. Where do you see the difference between the two comparatives?
No. “When” is stronger than “if”.
Is it more self-confident?
You’ll find it.
How to resolute?