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11 years ago

Hello, you can’t let a cat baby out. That would be too early. The cat should be at least 7 – 8 months old and be neutered beforehand. After the acquisition, cats need at least 1 – 2 months to get used to the new home. Only then can you let her out.

12 years ago

Got my hangover in autumn. He was tiny. The first time he was allowed out in the summer of the year. The little one must know it’s different from the house. It’s safe in the house, and that knows. If you let it out too soon, it will feel so safe everywhere – even if a car comes. My hangover is only on the terrace at that time and has a little bit further brewed every day. He is still careful and has great respect for cars.
I’m glad to have waited so long and would do it again and again. And if the little ones don’t know they can get out, they don’t miss it either. In addition, such an apartment or house is also like a huge adventure playground for such a small kitten 🙂

And one more tip: occasionally call and have some tasty parat – so the little one knows that it’s great to come back to the house. (Also give some tasty or taste a bit when it comes to the house without calling) In the way, my two boys learned to come in calls immediately, not to go too far and to get back to the house every night 🙂

Good luck!

12 years ago
Reply to  AwkwardTurtle

Oh, yes, and NATÜRLICH first cast!!!!! Everything else is irresponsible…

12 years ago

A cat baby cannot be let out at all!

A young cat may get out at the earliest when she’s neutered and at least 8 months old. When you get a kitten from animal welfare, you sign it in the protection contract. A cat child has no risk assessment or orientation. It’s on the menu of every mice buzzard, Milan’s, Uhus or similar predators, not to mention what happens when it comes to a dog. A haps and …., we don’t think about it.

Apart from that, cats are not kept individually, but at least two. There is no single kitten bordering on animal torture. No animal shelter gives individual kittens. Only in pairs or to an existing cat.

12 years ago

depends on how old your baby is;) so I left my cat quite long inside, about three or four months after he came to us he was allowed to go out the first time, but he was totally anxious and we almost had to force him to sit in the garden. he is now also very small, and anyway a bit more 😉 I would say that you should keep your cat inside until she dares to stay outside. If you have bigger roads or many fighting-loving cats close to me, I would wait longer or at least leave the cat out only on the day and only if you are there, you will also give safety:)

12 years ago

so go out and out with her, of course. So I left her out with about 12 weeks alone and she’s still alive and came back. But it’s where you live. Cats don’t even get out when they’re too small.

12 years ago
Reply to  Judifee

With 12 weeks?? You were lucky that she didn’t get a bird of prey or she fell victim to a dog. Kittens have no orientation and no risk assessment. How should they be able to cope with it ^^^

12 years ago

After about 1 week you can go out with the cat leash. Not alone!

And do it every day and make 2-3weeks leave it out and go after it!

12 years ago
Reply to  CROintro

With KATZENLEINE???? That’s super dangerous and complete mischief. Kitts have lost nothing in freedom, at the earliest with 8 months, and then they don’t need leash!

Thus, a release with leash can end when the cat turns out to panic:

12 years ago

at least 6 weeks to find it home. Abe rich wouldn’t let it out until it’s grown and castrated, only so she can fight other cats and not increase our wildcat problem.

12 years ago

I wouldn’t let a cat baby out. Only when it’s older and bigger.
If she is old enough then after at least 6 weeks after the purchase.