WhatsApp Status sichtbar für Leute deren Nummer ich nicht habe?


ich habe ausversehen eine Nummer und deren Chat gelöscht, er hat aber meine Nummer noch eingespeichert. Sieht er dann trotzdem noch meinen WhatsApp Status oder kann ich das irgendwie einstellen das er ihn sieht?

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1 year ago

In order to be able to see the status of another person at WhatsApp, one must have stored one another in the contacts. Thus, the person cannot see your status at the moment and you can’t see her in the other way.

It is also not possible to set that the status of contacts not stored can be viewed. It can only be determined that all contacts can see it or only certain contacts. With the latter one can then either exclude individual contacts directly or only establish individual contacts that can see the status.

1 year ago


You can limit this in the settings.

Here is a short guide how to customize your privacy settings in WhatsApp to control who sees your status:

1. Open WhatsApp and go to the “Settings”.

Two. Choose “Account” and then “Data Protection”.

3. Tap “Status”.

4. Select whether your status should be visible for “All”, “My Contacts” or “Nobody”.

By changing these settings, you can control who can see your WhatsApp status 🤗

I hope I could help you and I wish you a peaceful, beautiful weekend! 🌷🌅

LG. SweetieAlessia 🦋

1 year ago

Select whether your status should be visible for “All”, “My Contacts” or “Nobody”.

That doesn’t make any sense, and the settings don’t exist.

1 year ago

You can understand what is meant.

1 year ago

The difference between the “All” and “My Contacts” options for the status data protection settings is within the range of visibility. If you select “All”, it means that anyone who has your phone number can see your status, including contacts that you may not know so closely. However, if you select My Contacts, you will only advise the visibility of your status on people you have saved as your contacts. This gives you some control over who can see your updates and protects your privacy from strangers or less familiar persons.

There are situations where it can be useful to make the status visible to no one. This could be the case, for example, if you want to take a break from social interactions or protect your privacy. By selecting the “Nobody” option, you can make sure that your status is hidden for all contacts.

It is therefore not about limiting something, but rather about having control over your own information and the visibility of your status. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves who can see his activities and updates, and these settings allow to adapt privacy to their own needs.

1 year ago

What is the difference between “All” and “My contacts”? And why should you decide that nobody can see the status? There is no option. It’s not about limiting anything.

1 year ago

Yes, you must click on “Do not share with (name of your contact”).

1 year ago

Can set status data protection who can’t see your status