
Wenn man sich über ein anderes Handy mit der selben Nummer anmeldet, auf WhatsApp sieht der jenige denn die Chats und die Bilder, die man verschickt hat oder sind die nur über iCloud gespeichert oder über das ursprüngliche Handy

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1 month ago

If you have made a backup over the iCloud, then the new phone will recognize that you have a backup in the iCloud after login with your phone number. You will then be asked if you want to restore this. In that case, all your chats would be back.

If no backup is found, then nothing can be restored. Then it’s like a fresh WhatsApp for you first.

On the old phone, as long as it has not been deleted, the chats are still visible, but you can’t do anything else in WhatsApp. This is only the new one where the number was confirmed.