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12 years ago


this is a condensing strip. These are exhaust gas particles from the engine, which accumulate on ice crystals in the air and begin to shine through reflected sunlight.

12 years ago

It’s called condense strips. But you can also call it cloud if you want.

12 years ago

warm carbon monoxide up there it stays longer because the density there is so high that it lasts longer until it dissolves

12 years ago
Reply to  BastianZ93
12 years ago

Condensation strip. But if he does not dissolve and become wider, and there are also several, grid-like, then they are chemtrails.

12 years ago
Reply to  MarieTigger

Condensation strips also fan out because they are influenced by the air flows. So the Chemtrail theory can once again be where it belongs: to the kingdom of the fable and the conspiracy theory.

12 years ago
Reply to  rudim1950

If normal aviation gasoline would cause such pollution and bizarre clouds in the sky, as it is happening daily, that would be a topic in the press! These celestial contaminations (see photos above) come from the chemicals of geo-engineering, which takes place “secretly, without legal permission for 10 years above our heads! Everyone can observe that every day, who will come the flyers with every sunbeam and blue sky!
Besides, heaven is basically blue not white – remember and look exactly at sunshine!
Google: Ted Gunderson (FBI) and Chemtrails

6 years ago

Bullshit is not better by repetition.

There are pictures from the 2nd WK on which exactly the same condensation strips can be seen.

12 years ago

The visible stripes that dwell long in the sky come from the geo-engineering aircraft. They spray chemicals into the sky to manipulate the weather. This is done without any approval. The weather in Europe is totally unthinkable and increasingly unacceptable to lay people and animals! The white sky and the massive clouds are also coming this winter.
(Cloud-Seeding Program)
Look in the sky, how the planes spray the sun and the sky white on every sun ray! There is no climate change, there is only weather manipulation looking! All the droughts, droughts, etc… all manipulated, incredible, but true! See for example on what people document in all cities of Germany and worldwide under Chemtrails + City! “Chemtrails are real,” said the former American FBI boss Ted Gunderson.

By the way; Cirrus clouds never arise directly through airplanes: condensing strips through normal aviation gasoline dissolve quickly, the cirres escape when even by aircraft only elsewhere.

6 years ago
Reply to  naturfreundin4

The visible stripes that dwell long in the sky come from the geo-engineering aircraft. They spray chemicals into the sky to manipulate the weather
