What is Alaska actually known for?
it just occurred to me… everyone knows alaska, but where does it come from? what makes alaska so famous?
it just occurred to me… everyone knows alaska, but where does it come from? what makes alaska so famous?
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Also die mit dem Traumschiff. Utah ist doch nicht am Meer oder einem Fluss?
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Certainly there is not only one answer. It started with the gold rush in the 18th and the beginning of the 19th. century – including Yukon, which is somehow “counted” to Alaska.
Then there are the unbelievably large Grizzlys in some regions, the fairy-tale opportunities to fish huge salmon (the largest so far almost 50 kilos heavy), the extreme cold in winter, for a few decades the oil richness above all on the Arctic coast and many, many others.
Salmon farming
Grizzlys / Kodiak bears
Denali National Park (the Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in North America)
alaska has a lot of oil but due to the enormous cold is the dismantling very hard moreover lives alaska also from torism and agriculture in the south and furs industry and for example cadjau or salmon industry because almost 100% of all salmon canned from alaska alaska has also decided to be much gold but by protesting by nature protectors 90%
Lachs fishing, gold looking and beautiful mountains. Plenty of snow in winter, brown bears who stumble around log cabins…
Everyone knows Georgia or Denmark, but what does it say?^
Cold and dark in winter
great nature
I forgot the countless glaciers, the Trapper, who still live from the trap, the famous dog sleigh races (Iditarod and Yukon Quest – from and to Fairbanks/Alaska). I’ll probably remember later.
Fish sticks;-)
LG anni
Ice bears, fridge import, cold, El Dorado is there??
In Alaska there are many white-kpfsee eagles and brown and black bears. In winter there are freezing temperatures.
in alaska there are many and in part large gold matrices, however, due to these icey temperatures they are very often closed.
(and a very large proportion of petroleum)
everything else is uninteresting. xD
largest state in America