What happens when an airplane flies through a rainbow?
what happens then? Is a rainbow just light and you fly through it as if it were nothing? Does anyone have an explanation? 😀 I would be totally interested.
what happens then? Is a rainbow just light and you fly through it as if it were nothing? Does anyone have an explanation? 😀 I would be totally interested.
Hallo, Ich stelle mir gerade die Frage, wie ein A320 auf dem Boden bremst, also bspw. Wenn man zu schnell die Runway überquert. (Ich rede nicht davon, wie das Flugzeug während der Landung bremst!) Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand die Frage von euch beantworten ;). LG
Hello, i have flown hundreds of times for professional reasons and have never had to clear customs – so I have always gone through the green exit. How does it work if you go through the red exit? Are there always people waiting from customs or what happens there? Best regards
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meanwhile, it should have been that you can never reach a rainbow. This may be because after an Irish legend at the end of the rainbow a pot full of gold awaits.
That sounds sad, but it’s also pure physics. A rainbow is a purely visual appearance (like a mirage) and therefore there is no aircraft that will ever fly through a rainbow.
A rainbow is simply ne optical illusion. A plane can only fly from the ground through a rainbow. It’s nothing but fog for the plane. Seen from the plane, it’s more like a “rain ring”.
It happens just as little as it’s flying through the STrahl of a flashlight. In the nrmal altitude, i.e. approx. 10,000 m there is no rainbow.
Also wikipedia – Info:
A rainbow is an atmospheric-optical phenomenon which is perceived as a circular arc-shaped light band whose radial color profile shows a sequence similar to the spectral colors. The appearance is due to reflection and wavelength-dependent refraction of sunlight in the approximately spherical water droplets of a rain wall or cloud. The observer has the rain wall in front of and behind the sun. Sometimes a weaker secondary rainbow appears over a strong main rainbow with reverse color sequence. Also, on the blue side of the rainbow, other narrow light bands may occasionally be visible, the interference strips or overcounting rainbows.
I realize that there is no rainbow up there:b I mean when I start or land. But okay now I am enlightened and disappointed haha
You don’t need to be disappointed. Also, as a child, I have always sought the end or beginning of the rainbow…. but the stupid part has always ran before me..grins.
Nothing because it’s not possible. The rainbow is an OPTIC phenomenon, not a material one. The plane flies through water droplets.
The light breaks into the raindrop
You shouldn’t do that!
The strong vibrations and air turbulence can cause the rainbow to pass through intermolecular microinterference waves to a black hole in a short time. This is not so bad at first if you take an aircraft weighing more than 2150Kg and flying through the rainbow with more than 124kt, as it cannot be absorbed by the black hole.
However, Covenant to protect colorful glitter unicorns (BSBG) immediately follow the search for the rugged and destructive air driver, because the unicorns running on the rainbow are inevitably absorbed by the black hole and thus destroyed on the spot.
The fact that this covenant can become quite unpleasant had to be experienced recently: Only 4 working days after a medium-sized rainbow (with 5! listeners!) he received immediate invitation to the trial. The judgment was then, fortunately, mild: His plane (weight: 2310Kg) was throttled to a speed of 95kt, and he had to pay a fine of 45€. Furthermore, he was not refunded the travel costs.
That’s why: Don’t let it arrive and fly rainbows!Only in danger for body and life do you have a right to fly through rainbows!
You can’t? An aircraft flies over the WOlken -> so there is no rain -> no rainbow. ♪
As far as I know:o
That’s it.
all the others who overwhelm the net because optical phenomena, have not considered this point
Respect that has at least one idea.
but if the aircraft is at the start? 😮
A plane cannot fly “through” a rainbow because the rainbow would move by plane.
By the way: On board a plane you can see a circular rainbow! You need a window that is on the side of the plane, through which the sun does not seem. Besides, of course, the corresponding weather.
… it’s just an optical perception because the light is broken.
Nothing will happen. You won’t see anything from the rainbow in the plane, even if the rainbow is high enough.
there is no rainbow
you only see one, there’s nothing
You fly as if there was nothing, because a rainbow is nothing more than a light reflection.
Of course nothing happens. A rainbow is nothing more than broken light
You’re flying as if there’s nothing.
A rainbow is just an air mirror
Then the plane disappears! :O
Hahaha 😀
A plane cannot fly through a rainbow. Take a look at what a rainbow is….