What do you think of the Christmas present?
I have chosen two Christmas presents for my boyfriend
Once a diamond of course made of glass not real^^ with engraving our names and our date
Looks pretty but I wanted to give him something useful that he can use
And a picture frame with a board for scribbling messages as his picture frames always fall apart, that would certainly be nice
Which gift would you prefer or both?
Huhu Sabine,
I’m both beautiful. If you need something for the anniversary soon, or you might want to decide:Love castle.de You know the love locks on the Cologne bridge, right?
So I would be for the picture frame 😉
likes a young person better than the diamond, although I also find the idea very beautiful 🙂
Lg sis
So I, as a 16 boy, would be very happy if I were to get something like that, only ‘cheers’ my girlfriend always cooks so good;-)
It’s okay