Weviel netto vom brutto ist gerechtfertigt für 1 Person?
Würden mir 1600 netto in einer Großstadt ausreichen wenn die miete ohne Strom 700 Euro beträgt? Ich meine nach der Ausbildung zahlen ja viele sehr wenig so ca1700-1800 netto habe ich mitbekommen.
Und 2 . Frage kann man den noch damit was zur Seite legen von 1600 netto mit 700 eur miete? Und wieso verdient man so wenig nach der Ausbildung also 1700-1800netto?Ist das normal?
Then stay about 1000 euros for everything else. It can be done on your own. It’s going to be difficult.
Whether the salary is “normal” depends on the industry. Mostly, however, it increases with professional experience. Otherwise look for further education or alternative.
Edit: I’m just overwhelming, that’s just about minimum wage. I don’t want to do as a learner with 3 years of training. Find everything under 2600 brutto frech.
There are many who get under 2600 also with training….
Well, I’m happy. Why did the person learn the profession when she gets as much as someone unskilled .
All a matter of your living standards. You should then be aware from the very beginning that you cannot enjoy too much. Saving can be determined, but then well divided for the month
All, according to the statutory deductions from gross.