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2 years ago

What can the generation of today who wants to do the FS? Spark on the cell phone for hours and swing around. But the big “screen” front panel and what you can’t see in the eye is not working. Lights, signs, road markings, cars, pedestrians… note, use the controls correctly… The generation of mobile phones is already overwhelmed.

However, it is also necessary to say that it is probably the trend and/or masche at the driving schools to accept everything that is registered. These and such factors, such as Corona, lead to the fact that a rider might only drive 1 times a week or even lesser. An old rabbit does not need to consider which gear is engaged or where something is to be operated. Especially since this is still done by many (unnecessary) assistants. Driving a car is now also a matter of routine and associated automatism. And who doesn’t do something regularly doesn’t get a routine! If you stand out of skaters or skates only once a year, you will always have balance problems.

And that learning content should be more demanding… I’d put this argument on the side. The learning content is already more intensive in primary school than 30 years ago. It’s not that. Rather than learning. This is not all pre-cauted and half digested. Attention, concentration and reaction is in demand here!

2 years ago

According to TÜV:

  • many riders would get badly prepared in driving licence tests
  • steady increase in the number of vehicles
  • road traffic becomes more complex
  • transport education in schools already ends with the fourth class

According to the driving instructor association:

  • young people are less attentive to road traffic than years ago: “The young person who comes to the driving school today has a completely different perception of traffic than 20 years ago – a lower one”
  • Mobile use “Look in a car, see if the children look on the street. No, they’re looking at their smartphone. They walk and look at their smartphone”

2 years ago

As far as I have read about it, there is not one reason, but one assumes several factors. Increased traffic volumes make it more demanding, but also increasingly unconcentrated and less motivated, riders lead to a higher breakdown rate.

Generation smartphone is probably hard to maintain the concentration on one thing over a longer period of time and unlike my generation, the driver’s license is probably no longer the greatest, which almost everyone wants and whose acquisition is highly motivated and very focused and works.

2 years ago

…Generation Smartphone is hard to maintain the concentration on one thing over a longer period of time..” But glotting on the phone for hours and walking around? It is more likely the diversity of the factors that affect this. Transport, pedestrian traffic lights, signs… everything you need to consider. And not just an 8″ display

2 years ago

Because the riders become more and more motor-driven.. are less ready to learn .. are always overwhelmed on others instead of listening to the driving instructors .. the traffic will be more..

2 years ago

Because the pupils are getting d careless. Sounds hard but so

2 years ago

I still read that driving instructors often complain, the new generation of pupils often looks too much on the smartphone and can generally not focus on what is now in traffic.

2 years ago

The requirements for the riders are increasing. It’s more on the streets than 50 years ago.

The examiners were happier at the time, they can’t be anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

Actually, the requirements are becoming less and less. The riders learn to drive this only with cars equipped with every assistance system

2 years ago

Look at the daily questions here…

“Generation TikTok” often doesn’t have a bock to learn anymore and then falls through or immediately gives up when some resistance comes in life.

2 years ago

“The traffic volume, the number of regulations have increased enormously over the past 20 years,” said Bartels. In addition, the requirements for the riders were increased during the test. “In large cities, there is a higher rate of diarrhea than in rural areas, because traffic is different.” ratio-bei-fuehrerschein-steig.html

2 years ago

Because the general brazing continues to progress.