Weshalb erhalte ich keinerlei Impressionen auf „X“?
Ich habe mir vorgestern einen neuen X-Account erstellt und ihn aktiv mit Posts, Kommentaren und Zitaten bespielt. Direkt nach der Erstellung habe ich X-Premium abonniert und inzwischen über 40 Beiträge gepostet. Trotzdem erhalte ich maximal 10 Impressionen pro Post, und einige Beiträge oder Antworten liegen sogar unter 3. Außerdem habe ich derzeit nur einen Follower, was auf meinem alten Account undenkbar gewesen wäre. Der Status meines Profils steht weiterhin auf “Prüfung läuft.” Woran könnte das liegen?
Oh That sounds really annoying. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to get angry with it.
There are different things coming to my head. On the one hand, of course, this “currence is running” what you’re talking about. If your profile has not yet been unlocked, it can safely influence the scalability. It can also mean that your account is not yet fully functional and your content may not be so widespread.
I think that your followers also play an important role. Since you only have a follower (is that a real person?), this is of course also a reason why your posts don’t get many impressions.
The more followers you have, the more people see your content. Try to increase your reach by actively participating in communities and following other accounts that have similar interests. Of course, the correct tags are also very important.
The time you post can also have a great influence on the impressions. Consider when your target group is most active and try to post at these times. Otherwise, your contributions may also go very quickly.
Keep up, don’t uf and experiment with different approaches; it sometimes takes time to catch up on a new platform.
Good and quick answer, thank you.