Wert von 5 Pfennig?
Hi, Leute
Ich wollte mal fragen wie viel eine 5 Pfennig Münze aus dem Jahr 1991 wert ist. Sie ist magnetisch und hat ein kleines A über der 5 . Auf der Rückseite steht bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ich hoffe der ein oder andere weiß wie der sammlerwert ist
LG Tim
the coin is worth exactly half the printed value, 0.025€.
You can exchange DM coins at the Bundesbank and its branches in Euro.
The official exchange rate is 1 Euro for DM 1,95583.
The exchange rate has always remained the same since the change in 2001/2002.
DM coins are pure circulation coins, to presses of xx million pieces.
There are only very few collectors, for example Bank Deutscherländer from 1949.
Ergo forget DM coin value.
Only with the Bundesbank, the Landesbanks have nothing to do with the exchange of DM.
Thank you.
It is as good as nothing value, just the normal exchange rate in Cent
You asked the same question 10 minutes ago with an older coin. It didn’t change. You get nix for it, and for the next coin you put in here, just as little. It’s not more than a memory. I’d even give you a euro so I can have one more.
Here, he says 14 cents, probably in better maintenance.
If it were the Stuttgarters, A is Berlin, it’s worth 31 cents!
If you switch the coin to the Bundesbank, you’ll get 3 cents for it.
2.5 cent is worth
It’s a nice memory, but without special value.