Wert dieses Autos?

Sind 2290€ für einen 1996er Mazda MX5 Cabrio ein fairer Preis? Rostfrei keine Motor/Getriebe Probleme das Verdeck is okem Zustand mit 150.000km? Wo ich vor einer Weile nach so einem MX5 geschaut hatte, gab es nur welche um die 4.000-5000€ und mit Rost.

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3 years ago


the rust eats from the inside to the outside, you have to look at the car from the bottom or drill in/behind the top box.

Rust-free NB are pure summer cars and/or if the preservation has been renewed correctly every 6-8 years.


3 years ago

If he were rusty, the price would be top. But I don’t know a rusty 96. The longitudinal beams are always at the end of the price.

3 years ago

Take the rehearsal. The MX5 loses little value reactively. Therefore price is quite OK