Wert dieses Autos?
Sind 2290€ für einen 1996er Mazda MX5 Cabrio ein fairer Preis? Rostfrei keine Motor/Getriebe Probleme das Verdeck is okem Zustand mit 150.000km? Wo ich vor einer Weile nach so einem MX5 geschaut hatte, gab es nur welche um die 4.000-5000€ und mit Rost.
the rust eats from the inside to the outside, you have to look at the car from the bottom or drill in/behind the top box.
Rust-free NB are pure summer cars and/or if the preservation has been renewed correctly every 6-8 years.
If he were rusty, the price would be top. But I don’t know a rusty 96. The longitudinal beams are always at the end of the price.
Take the rehearsal. The MX5 loses little value reactively. Therefore price is quite OK
Find only rusted and for 5000+