Wert dieser 1€ Münze?
Hallöchennnn, habe eine Frage bzgl der 1€ Hrvatska Münze mit dem Mader.. ist sie mehr Wert (als 1 €😅) sagt bitte ja damit ich sie verkaufen kann und weniger sorgen habe ha ha ha. Sehe nämlich auf Ebay (Kleinanzeigen) so viele Anzeigen mit Preisen von 100- ende offen 😅
This is a Croatian euro coin embossed in Zagreb. The HRVATSKA coin, which shows a marcher in front of a chessboard pattern, is traded differently. It just depends on whether there is a buyer for it. Misprints are sold for up to 8000 €.
Thank you for your answer 🙏🏼
A very clear N E I N.
Embossing year 2023, edition 40.000.000, it’s done with rarity.
Forget about these stupid deals on Ebay and Co. These offers are of people who live in a completely distorted fantasy world and dream of the constant dream of smart money. As fast as possible to get a lot of money and best not to do anything for it. Using such nonsensical offers as a reference basis is in this case that the worst thing you can do at all.
Apart from that, they are offered at these inconspicuous prices, traded N I C H T and also sell N I C H T, and a value is not long ago. Whether they are sold at all is on a completely different sheet. Everyone can offer his stuff at any fantasy price, including people who have no idea about this topic.
Thanks for your detailed answer 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Of course you can put it in. Whatever. I don’t know if man gets it.
No, only clear imprints have a higher value, which inadvertently slip through during the testing of the freshly embossed coins, because normally they are not allowed to circulate at all.
Then put them in there and wait what happens.
Offer them for 50€ as they still make bold profit if they can then sell them for 100+…
And then listen to their puzzling excuses why they can’t buy them and give up the great deal…
But if you really want to take someone off for 50€, get back here as you can offer for 50€:
Of course 1 euro. But you can also demand more – no one will be so stupid to pay more than 1 euro for 1 euro.
The value is, surprise, 1€
No, she’s not.
1 Euro – no more and no less.
This coin is worth only 1 euro.
Exactly 1 € worth