Wert Auto Jobcenter?
bekomme Hartz4 vom jobcenter. Habe jetzt ein Auto geschenkt bekommen von Verwandten.
einen Dacia Logan Baujahr 2016 aber total verbeult. Im Internet werden die von 3000€ bis 8000€ gehandelt.
kann das jobcenter da jetzt Ärger machen ? Brauche das Auto ja für meinen Sohn wohnen auf dem Dorf.
No, nothing will happen if the vehicle does not have a particularly high value. A Dacia is not just an expensive car. And the prices on the net are often desired prices. In fact, a Hartz 4 recipient, according to his age, may have a certain possession without which he is charged. That can be 7000€. But it all counts in the household and it depends on age. But I wonder how you want to keep the car? There are several costs to you.
So the car will also be charged with the money on my account?
Yes, all possessions are taken together. Also the money on the account. You can also save yourself in the period when you get Hartz4 if it is possible at all. But you should ask your specialist. For example, if the car is considered a possibility that you are no longer in need, they will certainly have nothing to do with it. Except you buy a Porsche. :
In my knowledge, allowances for property are clear.
If the job center sees it differently, you have to fight it.
Yeah, they’ll give you the total value.