Value of 1 euro coin from Cyprus from 2009 in blue?
Hello everyone,
I got a really strange coin that I couldn't find on Google. Does anyone know anything about it and can give me an approximate price or where I can get it valued?
Hello everyone,
I got a really strange coin that I couldn't find on Google. Does anyone know anything about it and can give me an approximate price or where I can get it valued?
What do you think the system is still worth used? I don't have any data or serial numbers for it, so just estimate. So the two speakers and the console
Hi I wonder what the coins are worth
I found this in the field, what could it be?
Ich habe gelesen dass die nicht 1790 sondern später geprägt wurde. Macht es sie noch wertvoller oder im gegenteil, wertloser?
Leider kann ich darüber nichts finden. Hat jemand eine Info dazu? Danke im Voraus!
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You have a colored 1-Euro coin showing the flag image of Cyprus.
There are now myriads of differently colored coins. Most of them are produced by known coin dealers at certain occasions in small quantities, which can also reach a broad mass with their diverse distribution channels such as teleshopping. There’s something like cut bread. (example football-EM).
Since, as I said, they are created only in a very small edition (there is not so much interest in this), it is no wonder that you do not find them so easily on the net.
Your coin could even have been created by private people, as the photo gives the impression that it was rather unprofessionally tortured and the color goes off again.
Collective value does not have such a thing, and private people anyway do not have these distribution channels and advertising measures to get Diinger to the man or Bringing woman.
Keep them, take them to the bank or remove the color… It is then re-approved for official payment.
With privately applied color applications, coins lose their price value as currency and are merely to be regarded as medals.
How Bronze Ages it is a flourishing business model of coin dealers and we accordingly advertised loudly.
In truth, the actual value of such “mache” amounts to zero and is depleted by serious coin collectors.
The blue color was subsequently applied. Actually, the coin is worthless.
basically the coin is dirty
Colorful course coins are in general private making of coin dispatch houses.
By this mutant change, they lose their validity and become valueless.
1 Euro, what else can I say?