Werkstatt betrug?

Bei meinem BMW e39 war der TÜV fällig ich habe ihn in eine freie Werkstatt gebracht. Am nächsten Tag anruf bekommen das Lenkgetriebe macht Geräusche und muss für den TÜV gemacht werden , habe natürlich zugestimmt und es wurde ein generalüberholtes Lenkgetriebe für 350 verbaut. Dan ein Anruf bekommen das auto hat TÜV die servopumpe würde aber nicht mehr gehen und muss gemacht werden( servolenkung ging vorher einwandfrei). Zähneknirschend zugestimmt 2 Wochen später Anruf bekommen die neue Pumpe wäre auch defekt. Noch mal 4 Woche gewartet und ich konnte mein Auto abholen. 1100 Euro habe ich für die reperatur bezahlt und fast 3 Monate gesamt gewartet aber ich war froh ihn endlich wieder zuhaben. Beim losfahren schon gemerkt das die Lenkung immer noch schwer ist habe mir aber nix dabei gedacht. Am nächsten Tag war mir klar die reperatur hat nichts gebracht die servo funktioniert nicht. Ich will natürlich kein Geld mehr für die alte karre ausgegeben das war eh schon viel zu viel. Jetzt meine Frage weiß jemand wie das rechtlich aussieht kann ich eine kostenlose reperatur verlangen oder gar etwas von meinem Geld zurückverlangen?

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2 years ago

Do you have an invoice in which it is broken down? Can you photograph and post them? Or tap what’s in it? What I am most interested is whether the pump is in there twice or twice the cost of installation. If yes, it should be checked if this is legally permissible * I hope that it is not otherwise they could install you 10 times a broken pump and calculate 10 times the installation costs.

* = Addendum: Have asked Google for a short time and I am quite confident that the additional costs due to the defective pump may not be transferred to you. The workshop owner must drive it to the manufacturer/seller of the pump.

2 years ago

Claim and rectify as part of the legal warranty! The steering system has been repaired for a fee and has to function without a problem

2 years ago

1: Only in workshops to which you are familiar, who know one thing and it is enough to simply throw the key into the mailbox and the already knowing why the car is there without prior arrangement.

2: No Dubiosis repair. Servo works-it’s good. So why swap wild parts without seemingly a sensible diagnosis? A defect that the workshop finds, without having noticed it, I always control it outside the workshop from point 1. I’ll just tell them if I’ll do it or I’ll do it.

3: Of course, no 2 servo pumps may be charged. Request a broken account. Write every single point in here.

4: Invoices always on heart and kidney test, except you know the workshop. If prices are too high to move forward and check.

5: No, you can’t reclaim your money. You agreed to the repair, this was done. Apart from of course the second servo pump has been charged-that would of course not be right.

6: A workshop must give you a guarantee of your work. Since steering gears and servo pump are already exchanged, and thus quite everything that is in there in technology – the workshop must now fix the servo steering. Three attempts you have to give them, the steering works after the 3. You still can’t get back to another workshop-the workshop this has got to pay. At this point, however, a lawyer should be hired by you for a long time.

2 years ago

The workshop must put the steering into a functional state free of charge, because they have already received your good money!

2 years ago

These are the normal pleasures if you want to drive a beemer, but only the money for the most offended floor set on your pocket. and does not screw itself. Book it under teaching money and get more money in to buy you a decent beemer, or drive Toyota.

2 years ago
Reply to  Skinman

Absolutely not helpful….

2 years ago
Reply to  roboboy

Only for people who aren’t helping anyway.