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Was ist eure Meinung zur COVID Impfung?
Gerne mit Begründung 😊
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If there is an updated vaccine, I will be inoculated against Corona as well as against the influenza – every year.
Me too!
After every vaccination I have been really sick for a week, and my best friend has died as a vaccination in a heart bag inflammatory, – I am in fact counting on every further vaccination!
I have not yet had any vaccination against Corona and will not do so in the future.
good decision ..I am also unvaccinated
What is a good decision about it?
Bill Gates’ tracker nanobots don’t exist.
It’s my body and I decide what’s coming in. I don’t want any vaccination against Corona. Accordingly, the decision for the vaccination is good and correct for me.
Then you’ll explain what a “good decision” should be when vaccinating.
Where’s this tracker?
Yes, later in the year.
No, the subject of vaccination is over with me. Three times enough.
Hi Poppe.
I’m not going to let myself in the next time.
I’m vaccinated three times, that’s enough.
No, I’m three times unvaccinated 😉
I haven’t been vaccinating since I don’t have a vaccination recommendation anymore.
If this is offered to me.
get away with it
I didn’t let anyone else vaccinate me and I won’t start with it.
Sure. Always in it.