Werden wir im Flug trotzdem zsm sitzen?
Hallo! Wir fliegeb mit Wizz Air, ich habe direkt 2 Ticket gebucht mit meinem Partner. Jedoch sehe ich es nicht ein 20-30 Euro Sitzplatz zu kaufen.. prinzipiell ist es uns egal, WO wir sitzen Hauptsache zusammen sitzen. Denkt ihr sie werden uns irgendwo zusammen setzen lassen? Da wir ja gemeinsam den Ticket gekauft haben.
That’s Wizz Air’s kind of rille.
You’ll get random seats. They can be side by side, but they don’t have to. It is even more unlikely that you sit next to each other.
The middle places that no one likes are happy to be awarded to those who do not want to pay for the seat.
It can be good for you to get them. I’m sure you don’t know until you have the boarding card. Then the crew can implement again.
But as soon as we have the boarding pass, we can’t pay more to sit together.
Right. If space is on the plane, you will be allowed to sit together if not what the boarding pass says.
Because you don’t know the utilisation, it’s hard to predict.
I wouldn’t leave.
Don’t complain,
Geiz is horny, but you don’t get all things for laul 😁😁
That all passengers sit together, that does not work purely mathematsich.
Wizz Air flies with Narrowbody aircraft that have 3+3 seats per seat row. This means that a couple can theoretically sit on each side and also an individual.
The seats are on the tickets – at the latest you know. You can’t leave