Werden Visa überprüft am Flughafen?
Bin 17 Jahre alt und würde gerne für längere Zeit nach Indonesien, hab genug Geld.
Nur kann ich ohne meine Eltern kein Visum beantragen. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass es mir dort besser geht. Kann man da 1 Jahr untertauchen und dann mit 18 nen Visum beantragen? Danke
You can go to Indonesia if you are full-year. Beforehand, you need your parents’ consent to purchase from the ticket. And the airline may not take you without your parents’ consent if you are still minor.
If you think you’re going to be better there, you should also remember that you need to make a living there. Probably or certainly you can’t be the national language. Then how do you want to make you understand? Where and how do you want to live there and how do you want to finance this?
For me, it sounds like an unthinkable escape from something that has to do with your family.
You should better explain the problems with your family here and usually help a simple pronunciation where you speak muddy in a calm way and clarify the problems. Have you ever tried that?
Indonesia alone may be a dream concept, but not the reality of real life.
No. As a minor, you cannot submerge in Indonesia for a year.
Of course, visas are overprinted. In addition, you are full-your-seeking in Indonesia only at 18.
It is not only the visa you need, but also some vaccinations.
What is that bullshit? There is no need for vaccination for Indonesia. WHO recommends them. But you have to
No compulsory vaccination is required for direct entry from Germany. When entering a yellow fever area, all persons aged nine months or more shall: Yellow fever vaccination prove. Indonesia itself is not a yellow fever infection area.
Information from the Federal Foreign Office
Information regarding the entry of unaccompanied minors to Indonesia shall be provided by the airline on request or the Embassy or one of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia :