Will my breasts still grow?

I'm 14, about to turn 15, I have a bra size 75A (the smallest 🥲) and I'm 1.64 m tall and have barely changed for about a year. But I've had my period since I was 11, so for more than three years, and my breasts have been growing since I was 9 or 10, and I've been wearing the same bras for a year or so because my breasts have only grown a tiny bit. I'm really worried that my breasts will stop growing and I'll have a 75A forever, and I'd actually like bigger ones. Could that be true? Because almost all of my friends have much larger breasts.

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5 months ago

Hi dear Rosa:-)

I can understand your concerns well. But what can certainly give you hope is that you are still in the middle of puberty with 14 years. In the next two to three years, you can still physically change a lot. In some, the breast begins to grow at 9 or 10 years and with others only 14 or 15 years. Both are normal. It often also depends on the genes of the mother or grandmother. But also the body size and body weight can play an important role. In the same way, of course, there can also be a development disorder. But if this is the case, only a doctor can notice.

Each girl (and also every boy) develops slightly differently in time. You may be just a little later, and you may be one of the classic “smokers”, which would not be really bad now. How strong your breasts will develop, of course, is difficult to say by remote diagnosis.

But I would recommend that you take the J1 examination with your pediatrician or pediatrician. At the age of 14, you will definitely have the right to participate. This would perhaps be ideal to have your level of development checked once for safety reasons. A doctor would then be able to tell you if everything has developed normally or not.

But generally have some patience with your body. It can still change and grow a lot with you. For example, when I was 14 years old, I got a little “cube”. So you can definitely make some hope. You can’t take your fellow students as a benchmark. Finally, you can’t do anything about your body developing differently or just a little slower than others.

And even if your breasts shouldn’t grow much more, that’s not bad at all. You just have to take advantage of it, for example, that your breasts can’t bounce up and down so much while exercising and can hardly cause any pain or pain. One more advantage is that the likelihood of getting a suspension bus is likely to be very low. You see, it’s not all bad with a little chest. And your later friend will not care. Many guys find small boobs even very attractive;-) So you can’t be afraid of that.

I hope I’ll help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can also contact me personally at any time 🙂


5 months ago

That’s totally different and you can’t predict that.

I’ve got a friend who had until she was 15 was almost no oversize and now with 18 she has C baskets.

I’m 18 and I have 70a. With me, the growth started with 11 but since I was 13 there was no real thing to do, so they still look the same as at the time, but I don’t have a problem because I’m more petty overall and I often get compliments for my figure 🙂

5 months ago


There’s nothing you can influence your breast growth, it’s all your body on its own, and it depends on your genetics how fast they grow and how big they become.

Please do not try any tablets or special diets that may even cost you life or damage your body permanently. No matter what they promise you, it just breaks you, even if it’s healthy that’s a very dangerous mash. Sometimes it just doesn’t work and you don’t spend unnecessary money.

With a weightZUNAHME you can increase the breasts because the breast mainly consists of fat, but you would have to increase abundantly (to some extent in the unhealthy area) and as soon as you take off they will be smaller again. Also a low body weight can cause small breasts because, as mentioned above, the breast consists of fat.


But I can also tell you something positive: your breasts will grow until you 21 so depending on the age you can do something else.

After the 21st year of life, the breast is only increased by the following things:

  • Pregnant
  • Diseases (tumours in the breast)
  • Years of change (some)
  • Opposite

If there is no child’s desire, you can also influence the breast size somewhat with the pill, but not a lot, and as soon as the pill is removed the additional breast size also disappears.

Current is a trend around the blossoms can speed up breast growth, but there are no studies that will help the evidence or evidence that this is really something.

Here is my blog article about breast growth:https://schlauer-blog.blogspot.com/2023/10/meine-brust-wachst-und-now.html


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



5 months ago


The growth of breasts is completed in women approximately from the age of 17. And when they grow in this period is very different.

So there’s something else to happen 😉

But what is more important is:

The size of your breasts is not important at all. Not only that your character and personality are much more decisive, as myself, there are many guys and men who like to see small breasts.

So, stay as you are, that’s great so 😊

5 months ago

There are smaller ones. I am 14 and I have 65A.

5 months ago
Reply to  Finja812010

small ones too

5 months ago

grow in any case.

Where small boobs are also very beautiful.

5 months ago

Don’t worry, they’ll grow. Is genetically predisposed if Grandma or mother even had ocular mean breasts you will also get them. And there are guys who like small boobs so don’t let the head hang

5 months ago

Maybe it’s innate.

5 months ago

(i.e. the smallest 🥲)


But they’re gonna grow a little bit.

5 months ago

My breasts grew sund until I was 19

5 months ago

Your breasts grow at least until 19.

5 months ago

There is also AA. Experience shows that they are still growing.