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No, your eyes aren’t getting worse, but you can also have your headaches from overhearing your eyes without your glasses.
Best for you
Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy.
A glasses only compensate for misunderstanding, but have no healing effect.
By wearing glasses, the eyes do not deteriorate. Further increasing short-sightedness is mainly due to growth and depends on the situation. Glasses have no influence on this.
Without glasses, the view will be worse than with glasses.
Can be or not. I have to wear one, but I’m just gonna go to the car and work. I’m not wearing them at home. In 10 years I only have to make 1x new glasses and even there were only minimally poor
The eyes won’t get worse without glasses. You just keep changing, whether you wear glasses or not.
However, you look worse without glasses because the glasses make sure that clear and sharp images come in the head again.
The glasses are not such a miracle that they have an influence on the length of the eye, neither in one direction nor in the other. Your eyes don’t care if you wear them or nothing, they will be worse or leave it, but they won’t.
No, the glasses are just a tool for better vision.
My eyes get worse when I wear my glasses when I wear them for approx. It’ll be better for two days.
No glasses have no influence
Unfortunately, they’re getting so bad.