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G. Michael Hopf
To answer your question: yes and no. The change is there, but this is more than a kind of cycle to understand, which is always repeated in the course of history.
against question: physically weak, mentally weak, feminine= basically weak? First of all, you are imprecise second, I hear a certain prejudice out there.
I even dress in ladies’ clothing, am professionally successful and physically destined not weak. Do you know enough physically strong women… how to answer them?
you can’t say that, see enough bodybuilders in everyday life
At least they try to educate them like that.
They try to convey emotional intelligence. This is neither weak nor feminine.
This is a rough simplification and most women would have the same need.
Too bad I thought it would come from your side at least one argument? Well, I guess I was too much for you.
I give you another opportunity for the last word:
Not at all, there are really great men, but you don’t belong to it.
Anyone who has to suffer is to decide the reader himself. My goodness, you must have had bad experiences with men.
Please what? 😂 You can do something really sorry 😂
So she can tell you that you urgently need it again. 😏
So they can tell you what you’re a little, unsafe girl?
Ask your mother.
Could I do, however, has nothing to do with the statement and your fragile masculinity. Nice distraction attempt.
Read scientific work on separate schools – makes you smarter.
The negative rating is not mine. My masculinity is stable in every sense of word.
Such an answer can only come from men with very fragile masculinity. If masculinity is so strong, why do you feel so threatened by anything feminine? For me this sounds rather weak and definitely not healthy.
Yes, it is and how! And yes, in men it is a weakness, because one does not promote their strengths and partly attempts to detract completely healthy behavior.
And to say that men would become weaker and more feminine is not a rough simplification? Except that feminine has nothing to do with weak.
You shouldn’t close others from you.
Question: Were all men ever strong before?
No, they weren’t. We are individuals. Everybody’s a little different. That’s normal and good.
Just take every person as he is. Would you be ready?
Yes, much stronger!
I’m weak and feminine! Yay!