Werden Krankheiten mit Absicht nicht geheilt?
Ist es realistisch, dass mit der modernsten Medizin eigentlich viele bzw. alle Allergien und (chronischen) Krankheiten heilbar sind?
Ich meine die Medizin ist so weit, es kann doch irgendwie nicht sein, dass die Menschen von der Technik und der Medizin her so weit sind, aber eine Pollenallergie, wo der Ursprung bekannt ist, nicht heilen können.
Man darf ja auch nicht vergessen, dass die Pharmaindustrie EXTREM viel Umsatz macht, vor allem durch Tabletten und Salben, die für Allergiker und chronisch Kranke gedacht sind. Z.B. Allergietabletten, Kortison Salben usw.
Menschen müssen regelmäßig und teilweise das ganze Jahr über Medikamente kaufen und die Pharmaindustrie macht sich die Taschen voll.
Wenn man jetzt kommen würde und sagen würde ,,Hallo, wir können das alles heilen”, dann geht die Pharmaindustrie ja komplett unter. Das wissen die ja auch ganz genau.
Wie denkt ihr darüber? Nur Geschwurbel oder könnte das was dran sein?
Grade allergies are homemade, by far too much hygiene. Everything is always removed from the body, it becomes too boring to the defense system and it seeks another opponent. Pollen, flour etc. completely harmless substances on and for themselves.
It is the reason why in Western countries, so rich countries, much more people are affected by allergies.
Poor countries that cannot keep everything quite sterile do not know these diseases of prosperity or at least much less.
You also use too fast medication instead of letting the body work yourself. Because then he doesn’t come up with such stupid ideas as the immune system has enough work.
To fight with various intruders and his whole program the probat is to be able to drive high. With fever, which is good, you can lower it, you’ll get your own defense system back into the craft.
Also, the psyche sometimes needs a moment of rest, where one is flat for three days. You regenerate at every level.
So everyone has it in their own hands. Less is sometimes more.
So I bought Lorano Pro for my pollen allergy today because it really didn’t go anymore. My quality of life is usually 0 for 1.5 months.
Allergies are nasty, just the body then draws all the registers of defense. The pollen are now simple and your immune system reacts vigorously.
You would have to reprogram your immune system, where it will soon become more nasty because it is no longer allowed to do this alone.
The fact that it becomes so boring to the body and he thinks of something new, where he can finally play robbers and polish without the robbers always being taken away from him.
What do you mean?
Order online Antiallergic. Cetirizin ADGC costs only 4.09 euros for 50 pcs for medication by clicking. This is really affordable for everyone.
Although allergies are medically understood, the problem is that whenever the immune system is overshot, it is sometimes really hot. Autoimmune diseases are neither properly understood until now, nor are there a good therapy for everything, e.g. for multiple sclerosis. There are substances, but not everyone speaks.
I don’t think the pharmaceutical industry’s keeping you up. On the contrary, they would be happy for a super good preparation, for example against MS or from me against allergy, which could cure them completely, because then their cash registers would ring.
PS in allergy sometimes helps hyposensitization for complete healing
I ordered a 100 pack of Lorano Pro today…
That’s why this was the cause of thought.
or could it be?
That sounds more like an industry-fair conspiracy theory.
Of course, pharmaceutical companies (like all other companies) only have the goal of earning money – this is their job. However, this leads to medical progress and its prevention.
The following logic speaks against your theory:
Sorry, supplement: It must of course mean:
“But this leads to medical progress and NOT to its prevention.”
In the context, however, it is not possible to forget how much money has previously flowed into research tests, etc.
Imagine you would have a small pharmaceutical company and would have the competence, know how, the happiness, the successful trial series, the financial resources for the worldwide patent, the admission for your invention for a cure against “X” then you would have for ever and ever disposed of before all your competition and would earn viiiiel more than anyone else.
Of course you’re absolutely right, but if you have the cure, you don’t earn money in the long term. At some point, all people are cured and the pharmaceutical industry is dead. You just earn a lot in the short term.
It is true, but after a relatively short time, the invested money is already covered.
Depending on whether to eradicate the disease then comes a new one that would be curable for you to stay in the example. If the disease exists and you are forever and ever the only one who has the healing you always deserve the money etc. Yes it is clear that wages have to be researched financially for 13 years in a new innovative drug, which can cost up to 20 billion dollars (aside from the failures which are also costing money) are pharmaceutical companies with almost 20% of their turnover in research already very far above investing just tech companies more in research (think 5% more of the turnover) and even as a thought game if you will never take the drug on the market again.
Sworn! Every doctor will try to help the patient with proper diagnosis and therapy and to properly treat their disease. Unfortunately, there are diseases that are not curable, such as Chorea Huntington, Amyotrophe Lateralsclerosis, COPD etc. A COPD is almost always based on smoking. If you do not smoke, the risk is extremely reduced. A metastasized pancreas carcinoma or a glioblastoma has a bad prognosis even in diagnosis. If surgery, chemo or/and radiotherapy exhibit no effect (curative, no longer therapeutic), palliative treatment is treated.
What are you saying? That there are shorter ways to cure an allergy successfully? Sometimes it doesn’t work, sometimes it disappears from itself
Effectively treat allergiecheck.de
It was just an opinion poll. So I wanted to say that it can be that healings are deliberately not offered.
ulcer to the greatest part , even if in a certain disease it is actually only a matter of luck, whether you get the miracle cure or not.
Because who has a child with a muskelschwund has to find out that for 2 mio Euro you will also let children die if you have not pulled the right thing, while in the lottery the chances are still quite good to win
Otherwise, you say the smallest amounts to which will certainly bring little profit if you compare it with cancer medication zb. Since man is not yet able to reprogram the immune system is that with the allergies wishful thinking not everyone can be cured, even a therapy does not necessarily have to help, I had one because of my pollen allergy and what should I say she came back 🙄 times just off is happiness I had to be sprayed again.
What I find more worrying is that our medicines are all coming from Asia, because it has already been seen in Corona what happens when a work that produces dozens of preparations suddenly fails, then there is a lack of medicine here.
In addition, the da mrsa etc is fed and increased in masses
There are, of course, many conspiracy theories within medicine. So many today still believe in homeopathy, although this is scientifically disproved. I once asked my pediatrician if he could imagine whether elites are holding remedies against cancer and his answer was that from a human point of view this is relatively difficult to keep a cure against cancer to such a great extent collectively. At some point, one gets out with the language, because the heart wins over the mind. So someone would have long gone out with the language.
I’m sorry. If there were really those “elites” there are no traitors in there, because that would not be any people, but really selected people.
Pollen allergy can be cured. It was with me too. But you have to invest a few years, which doesn’t all want.
People regularly throw in medis and often don’t “real” care about it is probably a problem of people and not industry. With a few non-healing exceptions
What did you take? I’ve been having this pollen allergy for years and I’ve never left. How was that cured with you?
Antiallergic – initially go to the doctor for ne splashes every week and then the period becomes longer and longer. All three years. I had quite bad grass allergy and consumed 3-4 packs of antiallergic each year. In the meantime, I might need 2 pieces of tablets a year – and that’s only when it’s quite violent.
Hyposensitization has not brought much to me after 6 years of treatment.
It’s bad luck or something. I had a miracle. That’s why you didn’t heal intentionally. And I don’t think so. You would even if you cured everything still sell enough medis after those nowadays swallowed just because he can. Grade vitamin preparations or waste
Good for you
No. In fact, Less Illnesses are cured.
The cause of pollen allergy is an autoimmune disease. If you could cure this, you could cure far more dramatic diseases than hay fever. For example, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, Hashimoto u. v. m. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoimmune Disease#Classification
You are on the enormous error of “the pharmaceutical industry” being a closed association in which each member has the goal of taking care of the welfare of the other members. But that’s completely wrong.
It’s just sworn. 🙂
Consider what the pharmaceutical company Novarits would do if it had a drug you take and the pollen allergy would have vanished forever: they would put the drug on the market as soon as possible and now not only 50 billion a year but 50 billion a month of turnover. But they wouldn’t let this billions of business go through the rags and murder all their employees who had worked on the development of this drug just to keep that secret.
Think about it – why would Novartis put millions in the development of a drug against pollen allergy to hide the drug instead of selling it?
You suspect pharmaceutical companies are monetary? Yeah, you’re right. But that’s why hide they are not effective drugs but for sale these. Lights up, right?
Lights up, yes:) Was simply a spontaneous thought. The thing is that a pharmaceutical company would only make so much sales in the short term. At some point, all people would be healed and the whole industry is dead.
So what? Firstly, there are hundreds of other diseases that need to be treated.
And on the other hand, Novartis’ board doesn’t care what happens in 50 years. Its bonus would increase by 100 million by such an increase in sales – so it would make the business. He would certainly not blow off the business from consideration of the bonus of his competitors from Pfizer, BASF and Bayer 🙂
Jap, I just checked that on another answer haha
You make the same mistake as anyone else who makes these considerations. You go from “the pharmaceutical industry” as a homogeneous amount as if it were a single company, worldwide.
It’s not. These are thousands of companies worldwide that are in tough competition. A company that would discover and develop a cure for a chronic disease would earn a golden nose. They would have taken care of the rest of their lives. Why would it be interesting that any other company that makes any remedy for the treatment of the symptoms of this disease would be broke? That would be more positive for those, then they could buy the cheap and take over their capacities.
You’re right. I didn’t think that the companies would make really much, very much money.
I made the mistake of thinking that the company only earns money in the short term, but after a time the whole industry would be dead because all people would be cured.
This does not interest the company which develops the healing 🙂 That was the mistake.
In technical matters, I believe that we will be deprived of achievements in order not to endanger the profit. In medicine, many research and compete for recognition and the Nobel Prize. That’s why I think no.
Just sworn or could it be?
Only ulcers