Werden Geschwollene Lymphknoten härter wenn man den Bereich anspannt?
Habe mehrere geschwollene Lymphknoten in der Leistengegend, und sie fühlen sich härter an wenn ich meine Beine anspanne und somit auch meine Leiste. Ist das möglich? Und verfälscht dass das Tastgefühl?
clearly feel harder when you palp them against a tense = hard muscle!
to swollen lymph nodes in the bar area, by the way, I know a shaking rhyme:
you can also write a Whatsapp to your girlfriend:
and what should I do with the proverbs? 😅
now, a laugh – as your emoji shows…
is nice to start the day with a laugh, isn’t it?
(I give the correct answer in the first sentence)
Is it also normal that the 2 lymph nodes I have when connecting from the jaw to the skull that feel hard when I press them against my jaw to scan them? Don’t answer.
Yes, of course, that’s nice, thank you.
You’ll be better who you go to the doctor.
Was not the answer to my question
That means good German doctor
He is paid for treating like a diagnostic and who he diagnoses you swollen lymph nodes then he will tell you what to do.
Well, not quite. A doctor is paid for diagnosing and treating patients. Not for thinking, or is he getting money for asking what he’s buying this weekend? I don’t think…
I’m telling the truth…
Well, you don’t seem like a king.
The doctor paid.
what are you looking for on this platform? Maybe I don’t want to go to the doctor, but do I find it interesting? Rethinking said…