Werden Energy-Drinks in anderen Industrieländern auch so gehatet, wie in Deutschland?
Weiß das jemand?
Wie ist es in Ö und der Schweiz?
Resteuropa, außerhalb, weiß wer was?
Weiß das jemand?
Wie ist es in Ö und der Schweiz?
Resteuropa, außerhalb, weiß wer was?
Ich mag das bayrische Erdinger alkoholfrei. und das österreichische Gösser Naturtrüb alkoholfrei
Ich habe mir eine Dose root beer zum probieren gekauft. Der Geschmack kommt mir sehr bekannt vor. Motoröl oder was sonst? Wonach schmeckt es für euch?
Ich hab auf TikTok erfahren das die Ananas durch den bestimmten Enzym Zellen und Proteine von einen essen. Also die Ananas isst dich zurück. Ich habe gegoogelt und das stimmt wirklich.. Seit dem mache ich mir Sorgen, weil ich liebe Ananas aber hab Angst das die mein Körper von innen auffrisst. Muss man sich da…
I see a lot of people walking around with energy drinks and can’t confirm that they’re “hatched”.
It’s a pole formation.
Hmm… okay, that’s a matter of opinion. So I’m not a supporter of energy drinks now, but I don’t hate them. If someone thinks he’ll have to drink chemicals, he’ll do it just like smoking.
I don’t think they’ll be shaved either. If you go to the streets and shout “I drink energy drinks”, no reaction will come.
If you were to say the “n” word in public, you would get a clear reaction. Or a “CDU is horny” or something… so I’m just talking about the contrast. Energy drinks are not shaved – I feel it.
Come on, talk about the horse and ghetto formation.
What a nonsensical argumentation.
You’re funny. Politics and religion are the two most polarizing things that exist in the world.
I did. Are all quite normal questions. Energy drinks are unhealthy, only because of the high sugar content. This is a fact. That’s why they’re not “hatched” for a long time. Hate. Hass is an active action against something.
If there were any sponsorships to ban energy drinks, I would rather agree that there is a Hate Group against energy drinks. But at the moment… no even the questions here are quite normal. There are far more polarizing in the area of political and religion.
Check out questions about this here at zb.
Who has? I know only factual statements about the health aspect.
Exactly and there are in every country
Okay, stable.
They’re not going. You only try to keep people who do not yet possess sufficient mind from the worst.
That’s what they call youth protection. Protecting people from their own stupidity.
They’re from 7, you know, right?