Are pandemics getting shorter?
Since we happily continue to destroy nature, wild animals are getting closer and closer to us humans, and in some countries wild animals are being sold at animal markets and eaten at home, thus allowing wild viruses to reach us humans, will epidemics and pandemics arise more and more quickly in the future, or will the intervals between epidemics/pandemics become shorter and shorter?
You won’t be able to stop it, so everyone would have to think about his own actions. This ends here already when buying pets, at the latest when the poor little puppy in the cage of the big transporter looks at the buyers he is bought and taken home incl. epidemics, which has not yet emerged a dangerous zoonosis, is basically just luck.
One could try to introduce ethics as a school subject and also the great area of rights and medicine, but that may be too much demanded by our students.
Can be and I think something will come in the future.
You just need to look into the past
BSE, foot-and-mouth disease, swine flu, avian flu, swine fever, ebola
From that point of view, there’s probably something coming again.
The stuff isn’t long.
You can go out.
Living spaces become smaller, biodiversity less, man becomes increasingly mobile (fast passenger and goods traffic), the climate will also have an influence (permafrost soils deaf, dangerous mosquitoes can spread in new areas…).
Yeah, it’ll be more common.
No, only the reporters are faster today.
no hour and you can read a sack of flour here again:(
The Corona virus could have broken out just as well from a laboratory and this does not have to remain the only possible case.
This could also have an effect.
Humanity always seems to be devastated. This is already seen by the fact that the pandemic is not a pandemic, but is only called a pandemic since the WHO had changed the original medical statement before the swine flu.
We are still far away for the actual pandemic. Mr. Drosten then prophesied a death rate of 100 million victims in the swine flu; in the end, thank God for a thousand cases…
The following statement came to Corona in March last year – the beginning -:
WHO quantifies the mortality rate of 3.4 percent. This number is shockingly high. Should – like the Berlin Charité (Chef = Drosten; Fantho) predicted – infecting 70 percent of Germans, we would have to fear 1.9 million dead alone in Germany
How many do we have after almost two years? 95Tsd.
So less than in the so-called flu waves, which brought 20 -25Tsd dead in a period of three/four months to (health level). That would have been 140 -150Tsd dead – up to two years…
There will always be something and be, because, in the end, pharmaceutical giants and their lobbyists must survive like a Hr. Spahn;-)
Greetings Fantho
You forgot to adjust your argument. This is an old shoe! You won’t win anything, not even recognition. Try that the vaccinations are also contagious and then go out dancing and exchange tongue kisses with strangers. We (vaccinated) clap as long as in time.
I’ve been writing this all the time!
Should this be important if you are unable to recognise yourself?
But if you need that, please…
If that is so, why speaks and still writes about an old shoe like that of a pandemic?
Greetings Fantho
It’s sad you still haven’t understood what’s so dangerous to Covid. But more can’t be expected from a layman.
Logic doesn’t seem like your strength.
Two days later: In the meantime it is over 100,000.
Counted together in two years. Drosten spoke of another 100,000 in this winter…
You should stay with the truth and the facts!
Greetings Fantho
Publicly spread false messages and get excited when others say something. Big movie.
What stupid reaction on your part…
Greetings Fantho
Pity yourself, but leave thoughtful people alone…
You think what you want…
Greetings Fantho
“I’ve been writing this all the time!”
That was an ironic proposal. Thank you.
“Did that be important if you are not able to recognize yourself?
But if you need that, please…”
Yes, of course, you should acknowledge yourself. If you don’t, you need defence mechanisms to get clear. Clearly visible. If the ego moves one to stiffen itself on crumble pseudofacts and thus is no longer open to actual facts at all, then one knows that own ego leverages oneself. So try to like yourself. Then you don’t have to take a show off the outside.
Is a benevolent hint, even if you probably can’t accept it.
Such statements are simply insulting because they are so extreme FALSCH, which already hurts to have to read this at all. Throughout 2019, for example, it was 1.659, all year! And even though much is vaccinated or Thanks to the extensive vaccinations, the value is no higher!
You can download all data to any cause of death, broken down by ICD10 classification in an Excel table and close your gaps.
And you’re sure these are all Corontote?
The fact that there were more dead in the winter was also…5000 to 6000 / month of flu dead…
Greetings Fantho
you should also be able to understand texts. before yesterday everything was 95000, today it is more than 100,000
1. New zoonoses could occur at any time and spread rapidly.
Two. Everyone needs to prepare better, especially government and international organisations.
3. The next virus could slumber in our mass livestock. due to a bird flu virus, huge stocks had to be cultivated
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