Werden die filmtitelbilder extra fotografiert oder vom Film herausgenommen?
Und wer ist für das Fotografieren der Titelbilder bei einem Film zuständig
Und wer ist für das Fotografieren der Titelbilder bei einem Film zuständig
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Of course, the pictures are photographed extra, for this there is the special Still Photographer / Set Photographer or German Stand photographs:
Standfotograf – Wikipedia
The fact that images are taken from the film is rather rare for cover or posters, but with such things as BluRay or Netflix menus, this can happen naturally if there are no promotional photos.
They’re being photographed, and there are photographers.
the pictures are of course specially photographed
Of course, it can also be with such streaming providers that they can easily operate anywhere in the content
A dedicated photographer.
On the one hand, there is the so-called “Standfotografen” in the film, which produces images during the film. In the example you set, the photos made a certain Kevin Baker
In addition, however, even in high-quality productions, good photographers for the photos of the film posters etc are also booked, which make this in a separate shooting for precisely this purpose, because in some cases pictures are made which do not occur directly in the film, but are created specifically for poster/cover etc.