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No, because there was an attack on Israel before, and that was a non-event at the time.
It is only about whether or not the economy is affected. And I assume that the economy is not affected.
Find it comprehensible, but that you argue without the word oil I have not expected now
Is there a problem with oil supply?
There is no problem, so there is no problem either.
Now you mentioned it after I built you a bridge. But valuable contribution.
This will probably have no effect, as attacks have already been abundant and read the stock exchange unimpressed
I lack the word oil price in your argumentation
A good indicator is often (but not always) the bitcoin course, which is not bound to trading times, and which has hitherto been relatively unimpressed.
I know that’s true. It must be said that in particular Muslims in Germany possess Bitcoin.
I’ll save the explanation.
I’ve read somewhere that cryptocurrencies in multiple fatwass were declared for haram, but maybe I’m wrong.
Not related to unemployment benefit 2
I think it’s extremely unlikely. There are enough attacks in the region. The stock market is barely