Werden Autos irgendwann wieder günstiger?

Bin 18 Jahre alt und will mir vielleicht bald mal ein Auto kaufen um unabhängig zu sein. Ich will allerdings auch ein tolles Auto haben und mich nicht mit so einem 15 Jahre alten Opel Corsa oder VW Polo zufrieden geben, auch weil ich oft über die Autobahn/Landstraße und eher weniger in der Stadt fahre und Autofan bin. Ich stelle mir so einen Audi A4 mit 200 PS und Allrad oder einen Tesla Model 3 Performance etc. vor, was man so 3-4 Jahre alt und 50000 km so für 35000-40000 bekommt. Hab allerdings erst 20000 zusammen und will eigentlich nicht mehr als 25000-30000 für ein Auto ausgeben, kann es sein dass die Gebrauchtwagenpreise noch weiter fallen sodass man es dann für diesen Preis bekommen könnte weil die Gebrauchtwagenpreise ja momentan hoch sind? Oder könnte Leasing besser sein, also nicht insgesamt viel teuerer als das normale Auto weil man ja dann nur einen monatlichen Betrag zahlen muss und ich eigentlich nicht mein ganzes Geld auf einmal ausgeben will.

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1 year ago

The prices will fall a little, I think. But not blatant.

Most car homes currently have the farm with new cars, which were ordered months ago and are now all delivered.

That is why demand will fall a little bit for used cars. My assessment.

150 hp is sufficient for the beginning of everything. Just as a starter, I wouldn’t be able to take such an expensive car. But in the end, everyone has to know for themselves.


1 year ago

As a starter, it would be much more sensible to gain first experiences with a cheap car. It would be annoying if you were damaged by an expensive car than a car that cost only 4,000€. In addition, for the beginning of 200hp, I find about 100hp too much. Who are you trying to prove? Better put your money on more sensible. A car is means for the purpose, it should be reliable and safe. These two criteria meet many cars that have 20 years on the drive shaft…

I move a 28-year-old Audi A6, would certainly have the money for a young user, but I don’t want to give up the old car. He doesn’t let me down and he doesn’t care about today’s vehicles.

1 year ago

Hi. But the price with you is a little too high and it would definitely not be worth buying, rather lease.


1 year ago

all means inflation and everything has become more expensive.

Leasing is simply the English word for rental and all the leasing rates from the TV advertising are nicely expected to go no longer. Everyone knows the Audi driving for 99 Euros a month can’t sparkle.

The thick end then lurks in the small print, such as leasing special payment or leasing closing rate, and at the end of the return then lurks residual value calculation and kilometer number. The duration of the lease contract also plays a role.

1 year ago

Need a Tesla or a 200Ps Audi with 18?🤔

When you start with 200hp, there is not much room up there.

1 year ago

Exactly, just lease.

1 year ago

not in Germany

1 year ago

It is one of the worst investments ever to spend more than €10-15 000 for a car if there is no compelling professional interest.

1 year ago

With 18 and a fresh driver’s license, you should drive a “olles car” one or two years. You get driving practice at the FAHREN, not at the driving school.