Werden alte Filme überarbeitet?

Hallo zusammen! Ich wollte mir gerade einen Weihnachtsfilm von 1994 angucken und mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Auflösung sehr modern aussah. Werden alte Filme mittlerweile überarbeitet? Wenn ja, wie findet ihr das?

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3 months ago

It is usually not even digital revision. For modern master (short DI = digital intermediate) a completely new scan of the original film negative is made for older films, if still available. That’s why a modern 4k disc is the closest to the original because it makes the film look like it was in the cinema due to the high resolution and the modern BT2020 color space.

Of course, there are also the already mentioned digital editing. With this, the resolution is increased only on the computer, spots and scratches are removed and the color space is adjusted. However, the result is much worse than with a completely new scan of the film negatives.


3 months ago

Yeah, they’re almost refreshed. Digital revision. It’s been years. If you get old movies on BluRay in Full HD or 4K, you can do it. These are also being practiced again. You get BluRays for better quality. But you don’t want BluRays to go, sorry. I swore something from the topic 😄

Like I said. I don’t think it’s bad, but I usually like to watch old films in original quality. Especially charming when I look at an old Slasher in VHS. That feeling. I can’t describe it. This is digital (streaming) or somehow lost at BluRays, this certain feeling. JP to DVD or BluRay? I Love it 😍🤗😄

Must also tell me more and more to remove streaming platforms. Streaming took me the nice feeling I had earlier. The joy of having a new film in my hand. And yes, I get old movies on DVD (or VHS). I’m using BluRays for new releases. But good, movies like JP or Scream I have on VHS, DVD and BluRay 😅 (three times keeps better)

Often, as I find, many old films in original quality also like to look better. Of course there are plenty of exceptions 👍

3 months ago

Yes they are partially digitally reworked to get them