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Of course, you can deposit Euro banknotes from Series 1 to machines with deposit function. As a rule, they are paid out again when there is a payout cassette for the denomination in the device.
How many thousands or tens of thousands of machines are there in Germany?
Has it ever been detected which machine does what?
No! Well!
But in principle: Valid banknotes of a valid currency can never be old in the sense that they would not have been circulated. They also know vendors.
Yes they are accepted there
But you keep them in and it would be a new one for others
rubber ball
A 10-euro bill is a 10-euro bill.
No matter how old he is. As long as it is not damaged or unreadable, there are no problems.
I mean the one from 2002
Even old bills are valid money.
If the appearance is not damaged, clear
Yeah, usually. It’s nice bank notes.
Of course. It’s normal.
Yeah, sure, these notes don’t lose their validity. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
If the bills are okay, yes.