Werde zum Kleinkind?
unzwar verhalte ich mich oft wie ein Baby bzw. eher Kleinkind. Ich rede dann so wie ein Kleinkind und verhalte mich auch so und fühle mich dann auch so. Das ganze mache ich nicht absichtlich, sondern es geschieht einfach so, dass ich da ‘ reinrutsche’. Habe Borderline und bin generell oft kindlich aber das ist dann schon extrem. Ich will dann auch ‘umsorgt’ werden. Ist das noch normal, geht das noch jemanden so?
Sounds like Age Regression. 🧸🎀
For me, this is a form of Little, only that is not related to any Kinks, but only psychological problems and it is definitely not sexual.
Neither the Age Regression nor the Little is it about clothing or pacifiers and stuff. It’s about the feeling world and needs you describe. Everything outside is then just a way to express its feelings. If you feel very small, it’s just nice to be wrapped in something soft, colorful. So bodies are then simply more beautiful for many littles than shirt and jeans. But they are absolutely no need.
Whether the “normal” is a question of how to define it. It does not correspond to the social norm, but Age Regression is not too rare.
Basically, it is a form to deal with its feelings and needs. One can forget his worries and problems, does not have to fight, but must be small and weak and be responsible. In addition, this also creates a lot of closeness, security and intimacy (not sex). Something you need to be very strong when you are mentally unstable. It can be a balance, a disconnection from everyday life and something that gives you energy and power again.
These are all very positive things. It doesn’t hurt you or others. Age Regression is a coping mechanism. And definitely better than scratching or drinking. You don’t have to give it up when you get better. You can keep the child quiet. Then it’s just something that’s beautiful and you do well.
It’ll be worrying if you think you need a daddy/Caregiver, so you can do better than yourself. Or if you think Age Regression could cure you and you don’t (more) go into therapy. If you have mental problems, you should also address them. You don’t write anything in this direction in your question, but I’ve already read it from other Age Regressor and Littles.
Thank you for your answer:) Yes, I have mental problems and have experienced a lot of bad things. Should I tell my therapist about age regression? LG
Thanks for the star. 💕
Borderline is really not without and does not come from nothing. It’s more than understandable if you want to feel uncomfortable.
Yeah, I think that’s good if you talk about it in therapy. You also wrote that you can’t control it. Maybe you can also develop strategies so you don’t feel helpless (if this is so).
Very happy
Thank you
A so-called age regression can be a reaction to a trauma and is not unusual in the context of Borderline.
Is that a trauma? That’s what I’m doing. My producer was abusive to me in young years, my mother almost never left the house and was always very afraid and my stepfather hates me. So I had no one, except my grandparents, who really raised me, I had to take it in my own hands and grow up quickly to not go down in this world. So I started myself hobbies or Learning skills to teach for school, watching my little brother, doing therapy sessions, trying to convince the youth office (nothing brought) and much more. I also got depression, but I got it through the help of my older siblings.
Now I’m at a point where my grandparents noticed what’s going on at home, and they’re trying to be substitute parents, just like my siblings. They give their best to make me a good and happy person. I am also really happy. I no longer have to look after myself and I enjoy that, I take myself more teenager and let others doctor my wounds and comfort me. I’ll go after my childhood.
I sometimes feel like 12 but of course not at meetings, school etc
Hello, this behavior is related to your borderline condition.
Lg :
Thank you
Sure. Can you handle your borderline?
Oki there are possibilities:)
well, it is. With Quetiapin it is better but not good for a long time. Lg
You don’t feel like that.
How would you know what you felt as a toddler? That’s anaesthesia. You haven’t been a long time.
You’re doing something that you’re labeling yourself. That’s all.
Derlei usually belongs to sexuality as fetish or role play.
it has nothing to do with sexuality at all, and of course I know how I felt as a child, I was finally one.
Hey, Chili.
Well, I don’t think that’s right, I’m dressing myself normal. Only behavior and speech, and always only in phase. But I can’t control it.
Okay. And if you’re treated as little? Eat and drink. Look at you and see you’re okay.
I find good and beautiful:)