Werde in der schule gemobbt?

Werde von meinen 17 jährigen Freunden gemobbt, sie sagen das ich mit 18 aussehe wie 16-17, und das ich mich schämen soll mit 18 mit 17 jährigen in der Klasse zu sein

was tun

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1 month ago

This is the first time NO Friends.

Secondly, you should talk and inform someone about it. But NIEMAL act with violence. Because if they only offend you, but you’re the guilty.

Also it will not always fold but ignore is usually also good. We must not give power to the words.

Besides, if you do mind, you should talk to, for example, a pastoral care. They usually help. And also better than most here.

But I have a question. When the year starts and you were all 17 but you had your birthday, for example, in January, you are of course older. So how did it happen that it is unusual that you are older?

2 months ago

Turn food, eat lots of fats and proteins. Eggs, meat, nuts, quarters with 40% fat and by the way start with motor sports and leave the fingers of alcohol, porn, cigarettes, sugar.

Then in 3 months you’ll be happling them :)=

1 month ago

From a friend or a friend we aren’t bullied and when, it’s time to unfriend them!

2 months ago

Naughty. Why is in the same class?

2 months ago

do not go on

2 months ago


Alternatively, you could simply ignore such nonsense.

2 months ago

write on 2 notes the name of the mobber, class, how and how often they mobs so exactly what happens.

You send a note to the relevant school office, one to the rectorate of the school.

The Rectorate will issue a sharpened reference to those who are also mentioned when this is repeated, they fly from school.

The reference must be signed by their parents at the Rectorate.

What do you think parents do with their offspring?

All in all a fun for families and all non-mobbers