Werde ich Vater?


ich hatte letzte Woche Donnerstag mit meiner Freundin ungeschützten Geschlechtsverkehr. Meine Frage ist, ob sie jetzt schwanger werden kann, obwohl es nur Lusttropfen waren und sie im 3. Tag ihrer Periode war. Ihren Eisprung hatte sie entweder heute oder gestern, also nach ca. 6-7 Tagen seit dem GV. Als sie versucht hat die Pille zu kaufen, meinte die Apothekerin, dass es sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, so schwanger zu werden. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen, dass sie Schwanger ist oder stimmt ihr der Apothekerin zu?

Danke im Vorraus

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7 months ago


Fertility and pill afterwards

An ovulation takes place once in a cycle (from one period to the next period). The ovulation is required to become pregnant.

The ovulation finds approx. 12-16 days before the next period (usually 14 days before). Sperms can survive up to 5 days in the body so you can get pregnant even 5 days before ovulation by unprotected sex. An egg can survive 12-24 hours after ovulation after it dies and you are no longer fertilizing.

This means returning from the next expected period 14 days (please use a calendar) and marks this day. Then paint 5 days before the ovulation and one day after the ovulation (due to the survival of the egg). All that is now marked is the so-called fertile phase and at this time the probability is that one becomes pregnant the highest.


The pill After that only works when you take it before the ovulation. So if you have an accident then look into the calendar if you are currently in your fertile phase. So if your ovulation soon arrives, you can then move it through the pill 5 days to the back (the period comes later too). If your ovulation is already over or should not come in the next 5 days, the pill is then useless and effective (can have side effects). If you have an irregular cycle then it is really best if you use an app because you can calculate it hard.

If you can have absolutely no child and you are uncertain whether you are in your fertile phase you can make a so-called ovulation test. He can tell you if you’re fertile or even have your ovulation. If the ovulation test is then positive (please read the package leaflet because an ovulation test is not as easy as a pregnancy test) then you can take the pill afterwards. Depending on the brand, this can be taken up to 72 hours after the accident.

Since you can never know 100% when the ovulation takes place, you should always prevent it in young years where the ovulation can really move quickly. If the ovulation was not yet and Case X is standing, you can always take the pill after it for safety, but you should not do that too often.


In your case, pregnancy is unlikely as it was not in its fertile phase at that time. The pharmacist’s right. Of course, the ovulation can also have shifted, but how likely it is you can’t say simply missing the data about your life.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago

It is very unlikely yet possible.

Sperms can survive 5 days in the egghead.

8 months ago

How would you know when the ovulation was?

7 months ago

Absolutely low. It doesn’t matter if you’re in luck.

7 months ago

Not always but often.

I wouldn’t start a pregnancy at your place, and I wouldn’t worry about it.

8 months ago

No he always comes 14 days before the period. How many days after period to the next ovulation can be different.

8 months ago

The app can only guess.

The ovulation can never be predicted.