Werde ich noch wachsen oder bleibe ich so (hoffentlich)?


ich bin jetzt fast 16w und bin so zwischen 1.58m groß und ich habe um ehrlich zu sein keine Lust mehr zu wachsen und da ich einen Sport betreibe bei dem es sich lohnt so eine Größe wie ich zu haben, frage ich mich ob ich noch wachse.
Meine Mutter: 1,56
Mein Vater; ungefähr 1.70-1.75

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1 year ago

Maybe, but it doesn’t. Very different. I also stopped growing in teenagers, but I also know who had a growth boost at the beginning of 20. But as your parents are not too big, it is not too unlikely that you will stay in this size.

1 year ago

So I think you should be lucky if you grow a few more cm. I am even 16.5 years and about as big as you (Mama 1.50 Papa 1.80). I wish nothing more than to grow..(1.65 dream) but so go best to nem orthopedists and let X-rays macehn from your hand if the growth powers are already too.

1 year ago

Hm, there’s probably no more so much about 16 than a girl.

But 1.58 is not dramatically small now….

1 year ago
Reply to  SliJi

:/ all girls from my school are 1.65-1.75

1 year ago
Reply to  Meryem1618

Do you know if you can somehow get growth injections or something?