Werde ich noch wachsen?
ich bin 13, weiblich und 1.62cm groß. Jeder in meiner Klasse hat jetzt den Wachstumsschub aber ich bin seit einem Jahr keinen cm gewachsen. Ich bin generell immer ein bisschen reifer gewesen als andere. werde ich noch wachsen? wenn ja wie viel noch?
You will grow from 13 but only 2/3 cm
now 15 and 178
My wife is smaller than you and she is 31 (and the children are looking forward to their work as a nurse). Besides, small women are great, but that’s just my opinion. You’re gonna grow, don’t worry about it. No one can tell you how much you’ll grow. This is measured in studies only on average and whether someone is now 2.10 m or only 1.70 m decides the genetics and also the nutrition and growing up.
Purely theoretically you can grow up to the 22nd LJ. How much can no one predict. Could be that you’ll get back on 14 15 16. As an indication of how big you can be about, you can check your parents.