Werde ich noch wachsen?
Hallo,ich wollte fragen ob ich noch wachsen werde weil jeder immer zu mir sagt das ich sehr klein bin,ich bin 172 groß und bin 15 Jahre alte meine mutter ist 167 und mein vater 168 denkt ihr das ich noch wachsen werde oder nicht mehr
Actually, I’ll have to disappoint you. There is no more
I can’t do you much hope. Maybe 1 or 2 cm will be added. But it won’t be much more.
Big grandparents could make hope, otherwise you will actually be a mixture of both parents and you have already surpassed them.
joa so from my mother side are all men huge 1,90 2,05 opa was 1,75 and oma 1,78 from my father all huge small something with 150 or so
The men of Muttis’ side let hope. If these genes are used, there is the possibility that something is right. It’ll show the time.
You can grow inside at any age. Only that is important. Your body size is not important. So stop talking about this. Who is self-conscious doesn’t need a centimeter.