Werde ich mit Sicherheit krank durch mein sehr starkes Übergewicht?

Hi Leute,

Ich bin Männlich und 24 Jahre alt und wiege mittlerweile über 200 Kilo und ich muss sagen das ich mich trotz des extremen Übergewichts immer noch wohl fühle. Ich mag es irgendwie einfach so Fett zu sein.

Mir wird halt immer wieder gesagt das wenn ich nicht abnehme das ich mit Sicherheit irgendwann Krank werde wenn ich weiter so Fett bleibe. Stimmt das ?

Danke für eure Antworten

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1 month ago

Unfortunately, it is quite likely. The joints are overloaded and work particularly badly at the age, the organs in general are no longer really functional at some point and the heart in particular has to suffer especially in obesity. Of course, you need to know what you’re doing, but you should consider if you want to risk all this. Now you may not get away without any negative consequences, but now is perhaps the last time for a fundamental change.

1 month ago

I hope you’re under medical control?

Yes, such an overweight is not good in the long term. Even if you just feel comfortable.

You should find out what the real cause is. That you can do it right.

Sure, you have to want it for yourself and go on.

Have you ever noticed that old people are not or hardly overweight?

1 month ago
Reply to  Nike775

People beyond the 80?

It should be a sign of respect for you!

1 month ago

Hello, you’re probably already sick, don’t you think so, why did you leave?

1 month ago

Yes, I can guarantee you. Not necessarily today or tomorrow, maybe not in one or two years but within the next two decades, your condition will deteriorate and you will at least be dependent on medication.

How bad this is in individual cases you can’t predict but 200kg are more than too much you weigh almost three times your ideal weight, so you don’t get away for a lifetime.

1 month ago

Yeah, I’m also overhearing and yes, it’s already sick. Overweight is not healthy and caches the body and the circuit and so. To what extent this then applies is different for everyone but generally it is not healthy.

Ultimately, it’s your decision, and you need to know what you’re doing.

lg sarah

1 month ago

You’re already sick with 200kg.

Obesity, also called obesity, obesity or obesity, is a chronic dietary and metabolic disorder.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nike775

You may not, but every doctor will.

1 month ago

Okay, fine fetish… all right.

1 month ago

My friend’s brother, also French, over 160 kilos, died of a harmless cold at 40. According to doctors, mainly due to his thickness. He was so thick that he couldn’t even pick strawberries in the garden.

1 month ago

Yes, with the weight you get 100% early sick.

1 month ago

Of course, you can never confirm it to 100%, but you just have actually seen a significantly higher risk getting sick with increasing age. For your body it is a burden to have such a weight. And when the body is loaded for years, it becomes weaker and more susceptible to diseases.

1 month ago

Yeah, you get sick sooner or later. Diabetes, heart, liver, …

1 month ago

You won’t just get sick, you can fall dead too.

1 month ago

You’re already sick.