Werde ich mal weiter wachsen 💁?
Hallo🙋 also ich war immer klein, so wie meine Mama auch. 😊
Ich bin sehr früh in die Pubertät gekommen jedoch bin ich leider im letzten Jahr gar nicht mehr gewachsen… also körpergröße… sonst schon🤟 Ich bin jetzt 13 und 1.38 groß☺️ oder klein.
Wie stehen die Chancen dass ich nochmals einen Wachstumsschub bekomme🤷?
Was meint ihr? Bis wann seid ihr noch gewachsen?
Dankeschööööööön und liebe Grüße😊
You will still grow, but probably not much. Girls grew up years earlier than boys. There is no info on how big the mother is
Tip: Let a doctor count. Using an X-ray image – usually from the left hand root bone – one can precisely determine the level of development. After matching with an experience table, you can create a forecast with over 70% accuracy
You can then exchange yourself with him
I wish you a nice day
Thank you so my mom is so close to 1.50
I’ll make you a nice day
under 150 is really not much…
She is also quite small
I think in the next 7 years you still have good chances to grow 🤗
Ah yes… hope so🤙
Up to 22 can grow some
But sooo long🤞 yes
But it should be mentioned that between the ages of 16 and 22 you grow only 2-3 cm. Much can’t be expected
I grow vince with 19 still 10cm
yes Friend of me is still grown with 23 very rare
Wow, that’s rare!
Hei Kylie😊
So growth has nothing to do with puberty. You can be early and still small. If a parent of you is rather small and the genes of the part are dominant then you probably stay small. But that doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. Can then wear prima heels without your friend getting complexes 😜
says the only barefoot running 🙂
Ah thank you… yes I come to my mama🤗 ah but High Heels don’t fit me soooo well
OK that explains it 😜 even without heels you always look great 👍
Thank you very much
I hope it’s for you, that’s very small, you need a ladder to buy
Thank you. Yes is true
Are you rather beginning or end 13? I grew up with 14. Bzw then only did not grow 2-3 cm. So I suppose you’re growing, but not much more.
Start 13 am I now 🙆 ♀️ Oki thanks
On the 13th birthday, young women/girls are on average 160. Between 149-167 are 80% of them (each 10% are larger or smaller).
The overall growth rate is still 8-10 centimetres. So it’s getting close to the 150. And much more than 150 I would not expect, all over 152 would be very noticeable. And 142 should be safe.
You’re actually very small. 138 shortly after the 13th birthday, so you lie 8 centimetres below the 3rd style. :/
What do your doctors say about your growth?
How was your growth thematized in Child care examinations so far?
An adult or adult younger woman is today (on average) 168. The totality of adult women is about 166.
A little more than half a percent of (grown) women will not grow 150. Almost 5% remain under 155.
So I bet the 1.40 you’re gonna crack
😯 that is violent
3 Perzentil means that 3% of all women are smaller and 97% larger than you.
Thank you very much…. so it has not been mentioned as a problem because my mama is also small is♀️ ♀️ only that was expected that I am getting bigger because I got into puberty early and have relatively large feet and hands🤘
Oki 1.42 is also not huge but is so. What is actually 3 perzentile🤷 ♀️
Then there is certainly no internet anymore 😃
Over a period of 10 years. Hopefully we’re all three still online…
Maximum 149.9 cm 😉
All right. You mean she’s under 150?
Bet like a beer? 😃
I say she creates at least 1.50
is that what I am reading
It’s okay. It’s like that, you have plenty of space everywhere.
Pretty sure.
No 1,80m, but 13 is still young.
It doesn’t have to be, so 1.80🙃
Not at all:D
Already too large calibre️
Hello recommend talking to the pediatrician about it
😗 I go to the doctor anyway… she has found nothing bad
How was it with the Child care examinations? To what extent was your (very low) body size thematized?
Ask for growth hormone, maybe this is an alternative for you
I know, was also a topic my development and body bigger 🙃
LeFreak is right, his question is entitled
Actually, other things were in the foreground 🤟
True calibre
when will the pediatrician decide?
the doctor must decide
not old!
Hormones😶 are they really good?