Werde ich bald entlassen in der Probezeit als Softwareentwickler?

Ende März bin ich durch mit meiner Probezeit. Ich arbeite bei nem IT-Dienstleister, aber habe in 1 Woche ca das letzte Projekt wodran ich bin und danach nichts zu tun.

Danach soll es wohl in die Weiterbildung gehen aber ich weiss nich ob das ein Vorwand ist damit mann mich dann am Ende der Probezeit kündigt.

Die Mitarbeiter die ich kenne haben wohl einige Projekte, meine Projektleiter meinen aber dass wohl einige Entwickler gerade zu wenig zu tun hätten und das zum Projektgeschäft dazugehört.

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1 year ago

You can only answer that to your employer.

Yes, in the project business time on the replacement bank is basically normal. Yes, if anyone is quitting at all, then of course the people prefer the trial period, no matter how good they are (thanks to the “Artificial Protection Act”).

But such decisions are not made after the utilization at the moment, but after the expected Loading taken in the next months/years. You have already cost your employer a lot, and putting new people on is very costly and takes at least a few months. Thus, the IT service provider has to live with the fact that its people do not always have 100% utilisation so that he has even capacity for new projects.

1 year ago

Project managers think that some developers would have to do too little and that belonged to the project business

I can confirm. We also have developers with us or externally who are partially underemployed. More, less.

1 year ago
Reply to  sagacious

That’s why we don’t have pure developers anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

Yes, internal developers often do other day business.