Werbung nun auch bei Amazon, trotz Prime-Zahlung?

Ich bin langjähriger Prime-Kunde auf Amazon. Hin und wieder sehe ich mir einen Film an. Im Gegensatz zu Youtube, das Werbung teilweise inzwischen schon im 10 Minuten-Takt sendet (nur nervig, da streike ich), war Amazon werbefrei, was ich sehr schätzte. Nun kam aber heute Werbung.

Wie kommt es? Soll das so bleiben?

Bei Youtube wird die Werbung abgeschaltet, so man einen monatlichen Beitrag zahlt. Aber die Qualität ist dort meist zu schlecht.

Wofür zahle ich eine monatliche Gebühr aber bei Amazon?

Das ist für mich ein Grund, Prime zu kündigen.

Kennt jemand eine Alternative ohne Werbung? Wenn nein, dann eben keine Filme mehr.

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1 year ago

Is a new subscription model of Amazon… You have to pay 3€ in addition to the subscription to get no ads 🤯.

I mean, I’ve read that complaints are already underway.

Netflix is now better in every aspekt (except the thing with the account sharing).


8 months ago

Netflix doesn’t have all the movies. And what you can’t borrow or watch free from Amazon, that’s probably on DVD (via Amazon, of course). [Write only from experience; no advertising]

1 year ago

As far as I know, there’s advertising now and you have to pay more now if you don’t want to have any more advertising.

I think they even had a very bad reason.

1 year ago

On January 3, 2024, I received the following email from Amazon.

In principle it is so that the subscription for Prime Video has become more expensive is, but they did not want to increase the price for the other services (already). So, the prime subscription costs a full amount instead of 7,49 € now 10,48 € per month, only you have to pay the premium for Prime Video now separately. Unfortunately, an annual billing is not possible.

And that’s why I’d rather look at YouTube (so that I’ve discussed the linked topic). 😅 I can also recommend a YouTube membership.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cantoclass

Yeah, that’s also a difficult comparison. I don’t watch movies/series at YouTube, but mostly video projects from channels I subscribed. Most are now running in 1440p or 4K, which looks pretty good on my TV.

With films and series, this looks different, as the other platforms have more to offer.

9 months ago

This is unfortunately normal and it gets worse at some point the double pays from GEZ and has little choice and more advertising

1 year ago


The fact that they now also play advertisements was great through the specialist media.

So that was not surprising.

I use only Amazon Prime. And I “saving” all the other streaming providers.

If you have subscribed at the same time, it will of course be expensive.

As you now want to react to this unwanted advertisement, you are left alone.



1 year ago

Since I don’t use any specialist media, I only found out about these news directly from Amazon, as they sent it by email. I don’t understand that you’re being fooled by the side if you’re not informed about anything 100% (here the word “yet” is especially important).

1 year ago
Reply to  KevinHP

So in normal daily newspapers, of course, it wasn’t.

And Amazon itself does not start advertising campaigns for this.

These were a little different to the case with the price increase. But there were several “conventional” price increases.

You can now pay 2.99€ per month, or stay at the old subscription price and live with the advertisement.

But you also have a notice.

Be careful you are Happy! You’ll be you are the choice. 😉

1 year ago

Martinus responds to my commentary as follows and speaks directly to me, although I have only expressed my opinion on his answer:

You can now pay 2.99€ per month, or stay at the old subscription price and live with the advertisement.

But you also have a notice.

Be happy! It’s a choice. 😉

I had no question. 😅

1 year ago

Your question? 🤔

1 year ago

Why should I quit if that’s not my question? Better focus on content. 😅